chapter twenty one

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"Drew, answer me," Harry yelled. "Tell me the truth!"

"I have nothing to tell you, and you have nothing on me!" I spit back.

We both pace in anger. Neither of us know what to do next. Our pasts have been exposed.

"We have to stick together, Drew."

Harry was calming down, but I was only getting even more wild.

"They want to kill me, they are after us Harry. They want to hurt us," I reply.

"It's not you they're after, it's me. And they will do whatever it takes to put me through living hell," he explains.

I furrow my brows. Nothing is making sense. It's all just scattered words that fail to complete the puzzle.

After all that he's said. It's obvious something happened. Just what?

"What did you do to them?" I dare ask.

He looks at me for a brief second then turns away. I see in his actions that I hit the spot. His nerves are twisting.

"I- I did something bad, Drew. Something you and I both won't find pleasing."

I swallow a million nails as I wait for him to continue. It's horrifying what this has come to.


And at that, all I seen was black.

I find myself in the trunk of an unknown vehicle. It must be those men. This is so unreal, how could I be caught up in this mess when I've tried so hard not to.

I wonder where Harry is or what they did to him. I hope he's okay. He must've known my sister, Ava. She was involved with these men, maybe they know where she is.

The car makes a stop. The trunk opens to the buff man from earlier, my father.

I'm in panic mode. Where's Harry? What happened to us?

"Take her." My father says to a tall man with fewer tattoos than the other, younger too.

I am escorted through what looks to be a well organized, hidden building. People have no idea what must go on in here.

I am put into an empty room, not too big. The man unties the rope around my hands.

I look at him in disgust. How could someone treat innocent people like this. The man leaves and locks the door behind him. I'm terrified. What are they planning on doing, how long will I be in here and why?

Soon enough the door opens again, I turn in excitement to see Harry. He's just as scared as I am if not more.

The man unties him as well. He has sincerity in his eyes as if he was sorry. He leaves once again and I embrace Harry in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Drew." He says with tears in his eyes.

My eyes fill with tears. How could this be?

"We gotta get out of here." Harry states, clearing his throat.

I nod in agreement, gathering myself.

"I used to work with these people, I can remember a few of their methods."

"My dad is the leader, I could probably remember some things I over heard." I reply.

We sit in silence for a moment. Being in this room makes things difficult. How in the world would we escape this? Who knows how many men work for them, they found us before and they will again.

I try to think through everything about how I changed my entire identity for the simple fact to not be drug into this. Of course I would fall for a man who's wanted by them but I never found out why.

"Harry.." I say, breaking the long silence. "What is it you did?"

He sighs. I can tell it's bad. "Drew, your sister is dead." He states. I feel a thousand needles poking at my heart. How could I not have been informed?

"She was the woman I was in love with. I murdered three of your fathers men. They killed her, Drew." He cries. "We we're trying to get out, escape. She was cornered by three of Adams men, a bullet went straight to her head just in spite of our forbidden love. I lost control... I ran towards them with no weapon, just my broken heart full of revenge. We gist fought, I grabbed a baseball from one of them and used it in my defense, their gun had been lost in the brawl so they were unable to use it. I murdered all of them then fled the scene, leaving the blame on an innocent man."

My heart is in my stomach. I can hardly breath. Ava was not only my everything but also Harry's. Then, we became each others redemption and now I feel empty again. To take up for someone you love is one thing but to ruin an innocent man is another...

"Drew please," He cries.

"Stop Harry, You should be in jail," I yell while balling my eyes out. "I should've been informed that she was dead."

I can't stand this. All I want right now is everyone to hurt like I am.

"When we get out of here, I'm turning you in." I say, teeth clutched.

"Do what you think you should, just know I loved Ava with all my heart and I did a hell of a lot more than you did trying to save her."

What makes him think he could say that?

"Do not even go there. You know nothing about me." I yell back.

"That's right because you lied to me. I fell in love with you to find out you're not at all who you say you are, you're one of them. This is where you belong. You're the reason Ava is dead because you were a coward and ran away from reality."

My mind is filled with fury. He is unbelievable. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here.

The door opens to the same tall man. He motions us to come out. We slowly walk at a distance apart and follow behind him. He leads us to a table where we are told sit.

My father walks out along with two of his men.

"Well. Much efforts were put into getting you here Mr. Styles. I have my daughter to thank for making it easier. I know how vulnerable you are to us Owens."

My heart is beating fast, I can see the pain in Harry's eyes.

"You have me, why do you need her?" Harry asks.

He smiles back, "Well, she obviously knows enough for us to have to do something with her."

Harry furrows his brows. You could feel the steam leaving his body, "I'm going to kill you, Adam. Just like I did your friends, I'm gonna beat you six feet down."

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