chapter nineteen

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Harry's POV

I stare at Ed across the table. I try to take in all he is explaining.

"So what you're saying is that he's about to take action on revenge?" Louis questioned

"Not revenge, we were the ones who had revenge." I quickly correct.

"Regardless, you all and everyone around you are in danger." Ed said. "Harry, you could go to jail for a long time for-"

"Yes I know, Ed. I know what I did." I stopped him in anger.

He sighed.

This is all messed up. We took care of this problem and made things even. I could never get justice for the terrible things those men did. I was only protecting my people. They took away the one thing I had, there was no other option than what I did.

I remember my heart being ripped out of my chest. There was blood and bullets. I felt the anger rush through my veins starting from my toes to my head. I took action before I even noticed I did. They can try to strike again but I won't let them take away Drew too.

"Harry, there are things you don't know about your new friend." Ed quietly says.

I furrow my brows, my heart starts racing as my stomach drops. What does he mean by that.

"You'll have to get it out of her when she's ready." he continues.

My mind begins to flood with thoughts that are unbelievable. What could innocent Drew have to her name. I'm so afraid it might involve these men...

Drew's POV

What could that be about? What does Ed have to do with these people. I'm beyond terrified of what could possibly be going on. Could he be telling them about me? Surely not, it isn't a harm to them.

They stand up to leave the dinner. I watch to see where each go. As they are walking out the door I realize I need to run so they don't see that I saw what was going on.

Harry passes my way in his car. I let out air as relief that he didn't notice it was me.

Suddenly, his car is put in reverse and I stop walking. He rolls down his window, "Get in, Drew."

My throats becomes dry. I open his door and get in. I sit in silence, staring out the window.

"We are headed to my place, I can make coffee just as good as that over priced stuff at the coffee bar."

I nod my head nervously.

"Don't be so tense, okay. I see you were watching me. I was just having dinner with a friend who's visiting for a few days, nothing weird."

I debate on what to say next. My heart is pounding through my chest.

"Harry, that's my friend from California. We are closer than you know." I try to explain, hoping he doesn't know how close we really are.

"Coincidence. That happens, it doesn't mean you need to be scared about it. You should be happy we have a connection."

Except I'm very far from happy...

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