chapter eighteen

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I walk out the door of Louis' home. I'm sketchy on walking home alone after everything that had just happened but I need to get away from them. I'm so concerned to what's truly going on with them.. I have secrets of my own and danger for myself, I don't need theirs too.

The streets are empty and dark. It seems peaceful, but in a scary way.

I hear foot steps in the alley next to me, then suddenly I feel a hand grip my elbow and jerk me in.

"Drew, we have to talk." A familiar voice says to me.

"Ed?" I question. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Look, you need to follow me and stay quiet and calm." He says as we walk the opposite direction.

Ed is a short man with orange hair. He's a computer scientist and mystery fanatic. He could be a part of the CIA or something but he says he does just fine with what he does which is gambling. He's helped me out a lot back home but it worries me why he's here.

"Who are your friends here and how well do you know them?" He sternly asks.

I scramble to answer, afraid of what his response may be. "Harry Styles is the man I attend to the most. Then there's Perrie who lives in the same building as me and her boyfriend, Zayn, that I work with. I visit a man named Louis' house often. He's a good friend of Harry's, that's how I met him. There was also a man named Jase, we were kind of a thing but we just lost touch." I explain.

"Styles. Tell me what you know about him." Ed suggest. He is in deep thought, as if he were trying to connect a puzzle.

I furrow my brows in thought. "He's my boss, he attends these fancy award events occasionally," I say, trying to find helpful facts. "Oh, he has some deal with these dangerous men.. is that what this is about?" I question.

Ed sharply turns his head in worry, "Does he know who you really are?"

"No.." I reply softly, tears starting to form at the thought.

He lets out a large sigh, letting me know he's stressed.

We continue walking until we reach a tall apartment building. He opens the door, motioning me to go in. He leads me to his place.

"You'll stay with me tonight. I'm not sure what we're dealing with yet, but you should be safe. Nobody has any reason to need you." He says, while fixing a bed for me.

My body finally relaxes at those comforting words from being tense all night. Things have been weird but Ed is right, I have nothing to worry about. What seems to not add up is why he's here and how he knew I could be involved in anything. Who are his real connections here?

Harry's POV

As I pace in Louis' bedroom, I wonder what's on Drews mind. She must be so freaked out, she may not even speak to me again.

I hear my phone ring, I quickly grab it to answer.


"Harry, I was informed by Adams that he was going after you again." A close friend replies. "He mentioned that this time would be the last."

I stare at Louis as he stares back. I'm in grave danger but I won't stop fighting. I earned justice.

"Meet me for dinner at 5 tomorrow. Per Se?"

"I'll be there. Be careful, lad" He replies, hanging up the phone.

I put my phone back in my pocket and look at Louis.

"You and Zayn need to sit at a different table tomorrow, three down. History has a habit of repeating itself." I exclaim.

Drew's POV

I wake up from the cozy bed of Ed's apartment. I have to get back home to get ready for work.

"Thank you for the stay. Call me before you leave town, maybe we could hang out again." I suggest.

Things are still scattered in my head but I can't let that get in the way of enjoying my time with my best friend back home. I decide to erase all of last night from my head, I don't have time to worry about something that doesn't even concern me.

I make it to my own apartment to shower and make myself presentable.

"Hello, Mr. Styles," I perk to Harry as we walk through the doors of our office.

"Good morning, Drew." He plainly replies.

Harry is my closest friend here and I'm not about to loose that because I freaked out to Louis last night.

"Look, I know last night was weird but that call had nothing to do with you. I don't know what kind of deal you're doing but I know I'm not involved so you don't have to treat me differently now from two days ago."

"Drew, I have a busy day. Don't take everything so personal." He states then walks to his closed office.

He's right, not everything is about me. I just don't want things to change.


4:30 rolls around and I'm done with all my applications. I send the email to Harry and pack up. I say my goodbyes to co-workers and make my way out.

I see Harry walking too, so I stop him.

"Wanna go on a coffee run?" I ask.

He sighs, "I have plans."

I furrow my brows, beginning to grow angry. "I'm not sure what's up your ass but it isn't me. You've been blowing me off all day and we always go out for coffee. I understand you're busy but you could at least talk to me."

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go."

He shuts the door to his car and backs out. I roll my eyes and walk to get coffee alone.

As I make my way to the coffee bar, I notice Harry is going to a fancy dinner. I decide to follow to see who he might be eating with. Maybe it could answer some of my questions.

Harry looks to both of his sides as if he was trying to be secretive. Louis walks up behind him in sunglasses, he puts his hand on Harry's shoulder as they walk in together.

I walk closer to a window and see that they walk right through without being seated. They sit at a table with a familiar ginger.

"Ed?" I grow with concern

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