chapter twenty eight

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Perrie and I enter the building walking low. This is terrifying but I have so much adrenaline pumping through my veins. It's hard to believe this is what my life has come to.

The first person to spot us in all the chaos is Louis.

"What the hell are you two doing?" He immediately worries.

"Louis I couldn't just sit back and wait. I had to help." I reply.

He sighs, I can tell he's extremely upset. "If something goes wrong because of you, I won't feel the least bit guilty."

I nod, knowing that isn't true; however, I do know that he is angry at me for doing this. It wasn't planned and completely uncalled for, but I had to.

We continue to keep an eye out for all the men. The plan was never to gun every last one of them down, we first get to Adam and then whoever fights against us after will be his loyal workers, and will likely be taken down with him.

Adam walks out after hearing the gun. All of us hide except for Harry and Zayn.

"Ah my two noblemen, what brings you back to me and killing my men?" He asks calmly.

Harry's brows are furrowed, "I want peace, for me, Drew, and my friends. You captured us and then went after us once we escaped, why?" Harry confidently asked.

I can feel the anger he has. He's being very strong by how scared he really is. I believe he's just fed up with it all.

"You were one of my men, you were supposed to be loyal. You ran away and for that you had to pay the price someday. You got away with murdering three of my men and sending my own son to prison." He speaks, "I believe I've let you off quite easily. You've had a few months to yourself and I haven't killed you or your girlfriend yet."

Harry clenches his jaw. He has so much to say but has to keep collected.

"Harry ran away because you were making him harm people. He never wanted to be the type to hurt anyone, you made him that way. He had to escape." Zayn explains

"You think all of my men want to kill people? Of course not. They want someone to believe in, someone to take them in and give them a family. That's what I've done for them. Do you not see that I'm not the bad guy here."

"Don't even try to make yourself sound innocent. So many peoples lives are ruined because of you" Harry yells as he begins to cry.

Adam smirks, "So you all come here trying to be heroes, right? After all I've done for the two of you. I took you in, Zayn, when your family was struggling with money. Louis, when his mother passed. Shall I go on? All five of you were supported by me and this is my payment?"

Harry isn't able to take anymore. He pulls the trigger of the gun that aimed at my father. I know he deserves this but I still have a way to feel like there should be a different outcome. It's impossible at this point, but he's my own blood and I'm secondhandedly killing him. He is my biggest enemy and there is no man I could hate more but I'll always wonder if he had a change in him.

He falls to the ground, bleeding out of his shoulder.

Two of his men go after Harry but Liam shoots them down from a hidden spot.

I stand from my position and walk towards my fathers fading body.

"You ruined me. I'm now going to contact my mom and tell her she doesn't have to run anymore, say a prayer to my sister, and get my brother out of prison. Rot in hell." I say with tears streaming.

This is for the best, for all of us. There's no telling how many lives were just saved and all the justice this brought to the mourning of families of those who have already been affected.

Most of my fathers workers are happy, some will seek revenge, but for now we're at peace.

We all end up at Ed's place with champagne.

"We just got victory on something we've been fighting for years." Niall says in a soft tone.

I can feel all the emotions floating in the room. Everyone's of course happy Adam is gone for good; however, he was a life that we all took and murder is never a true victory.

"We are able to walk the streets without being on edge, that's something different." Zayn jokes as everyone laughs.

I'm sitting in silence. I'm happy for them but I can't bring myself to drink to my fathers death. He was evil but I grew up desiring to be his little princess. I don't want to ruin the mood for them so I take a step outside.

This is all so overwhelming. It isn't completely over, I have to rescue my brother and it's going to be difficult to talk to him. We're 21 years old and I'm just now finding out about him, what if he doesn't even know?

What am I going to do with Harry in all of this? I'm in love with him but if he knew that was my brother and he did him dirty like that, his priorities aren't straight and I can't live knowing he did that to my innocent brother.

What if he didn't know? How can I see past this? If he didn't know it was my brother then love wasn't in the equation otherwise circumstances may be different. So how could I judge him upon that?

The door opens from inside, revealing my tall handsome Harry.

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