chapter twenty four

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"Why me? We just got out," I stutter, terrified to go back in.

"Because, they want Harry dead, not you. We need you to escape again so they will all leave the premises so we can move in." Louis explains

"But we're free. Why are we attacking them?"

"You aren't free, love. You'll both be spending the rest of your lives on the run until they catch you, and they will catch you." Liam chimes in.

"We have to defeat them once and for all, not only for us, but for others too." Harry says.

I'm so scared. What have I got myself into? They're right, we can't live our lives on the run but walking straight into the fire doesn't sound too ideal either.

I decide I'm left with no choice but to take this one for the team. I care about Harry too much to loose him.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask.

Harry sighs in worry yet relief. He knows how risky this is, but we're left with no other option.

"You and Harry will walk on the sidewalk across from the building. We'll be in an alley of which you all will turn down. The men will notice and follow. Once they are in action. we will snag Harry from a hidden door and all that is left is you in the open alley and they will take you into custody." Liam explains.

I nod in understanding.

"We will rest tonight and take action tomorrow evening," Ed suggest.

Ed sleeps in his bedroom, Harry and I call dibs on the guest bed leaving the others to the couch and floor.

I take off all my clothes except Harry's large shirt to sleep in. I take down my hair and lay under the covers next to him.

"Drew, you know I️ love you, don't you?" He says in the silence.

"Of course. Things are going to be okay, this plan is well thought out." I ease his loud mind

I can feel his heart shatter in pain. He's already lost his first love, he can't loose me. I will do everything I can to keep myself safe for him if not myself. He deserves a happy ending.

"Just remember, I'm coming for you. It'll only be a few hours in that hell."

He thinks I'm the one worried but I know he won't let anything happen to me.

He kisses me softly on the forehead. "I won't loose you, Drew. We have so much left to discover."

I smile at his peaceful words. "I'll fight for you, for us."

Our lips meet in a powerful kiss. He holds me a little tighter then he has before. I turn over to get some sleep. He wraps his long arms around my stomach and pulls me close. I could get used to this.


My eyes flutter open to the daylight.

"Good morning sunshine," Harry grins widely.

"Good morning," I reply in confusion.

I smell bacon from the kitchen. I stand from the warm bed and put pants on and tie my hair back. We walk in to all the boys sitting around the table.

"There's our soon to be hero, eat up," Niall says.

Everyone is oddly happy today. I assume because we our about to defeat their long time enemy. Or maybe to keep the mood cheerful knowing the severity of our future actions.

I make a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. We eat and laugh together but deep down we're all timid.

"I remember when I first met Harry, he was all depressed because he missed his mum," they all laugh.

"Yes but then he found me, we've been the best of lads since then," Louis says.

Harry laughs, "You're right, you were the first best friend I ever had."

"And thank you, Drew, for mending our Harry's beloved heart." Ed says.

"Well I owe it to all of you for letting me in, and you, Ed, for saving me more than anyone." I reply.

"I think it's time for a toast before our drinks are filled with salty tears," Harry suggest.

We do as he says and continue to finish our meal.

I step outside for fresh air for a minute. This is a hard day and a lot to prepare for, I just can't mess it up.

Ed opens the door to sit beside me.

"Hey, no pressure, love. Ever since I first met you, I saw the drive you had." He explains.

"I had a lot more to fight for back then." I slightly laugh.

"What, freedom? Sure your dad kinda kills people for a living and your sister abandoned you, and your mom was a coward. But now you have love, friends, we're your real family you never had. To me, that's so much more to fight for."

I smile, "You've always been there for me. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, that's what friends are for."

"No, thank you for getting me out of what we're about to destroy. I would've never met these wonderful friends, or Harry. I would've never found out what happened to my sister. And now, we all get justice." I explain.

"Let's win this, we've always made a great team." Ed hugs me tightly.

We walk back inside to everyone sitting on the couches.

"So, you ready to begin?" Liam asks.

I sigh and nod.

Zayn walks up to me, "I've been here for you since the start, I'm here for you now. Nothing's going to happen to anyone." he supports me.

I smile at him, bringing him in for a hug.

"Let's get this over with then."

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