chapter thirteen

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*a week later*

Harry gets back tomorrow. My life this week has been a lot of Netflix and paperwork. I have to admit, it was kind of relaxing to just sit back and chill at my apartment. I had a few conversations with Zayn throughout work and neighborly 'good mornings' with Perrie, but other than that it's been a lonely "me" week.

I settle my night with leftover spaghetti I made yesterday. I sit on my couch but I'm not really in the mood to watch anything so I'm left with my thoughts.

I wonder how my sister is doing. I've not spoken to her in forever, she's technically missing but I know she's going to be alright. She got herself in a bad situation always falling for the guys my father sets her up with. All I ever wanted was for us to escape together and figure life out.

I miss her everyday. I just wish there was some way I could get ahold of her.


I walk into work and sit at my desk. Harry is unusually early at his desk. I smile at him but don't talk.

He swirls his chair around but I remain facing my computer.

"A nice hello would have been fine," he grins at me.

"Hello Harry." I say, still facing my computer.

"How was work without me?"

"Work," I plainly answer.

"What'd you do in your free time?" he asked.


"No parties?" he smirked.

I finally turned around smirking back.

"One party, it was riotous."

"Riotous?" he laughed, "How so?"

"Well, we lost beer pong. A lot of dancing and careless activity." I try to vaguely explain.

"I see, who took care of you being drunk?" he laughed.

"Didn't get drunk, I knew better." I reply, smiling.

He smiled and turned around to actually do some work.

I did the same, relieved I didn't have to tell him yet.

We continue accepting applications and filing employees until work comes to an end.

"What're your plans for tonight?" Harry asked.

"Most likely watch TV and order pizza."

"Oh, that sounds interesting," he sarcastically replies. "You could do that, or you could come with me to an event tonight." he suggest.

"An event?" I ask curiously, "What kind of event?"

"Oh nothing major. Have a few cocktails and talk amongst people of the same IQ."

I nod. "That sounds absolutely boring."

"Way to consider my feelings," he is taken aback.

I'll admit, that may have been a little rude. But I really don't know why he would want me to go along with him to a safisticated cocktail party.

The both of us part to go home. I order some pizza in advance so the wait won't be too long after I get home.

I sit down on the couch and turn the TV on to 'Greys Anatomy'.

Soon enough the door bell rings for my pizza. I pay the man leaving him a two dollar tip.

Moments after the door rings again.

"Harry Styles it never ends" I say to myself.

I open the door revealing his tall figure holding a beautiful dress.

"Seriously?" I question.

"Now, let's take a seat and quickly stuff pizza down our throats before this party." He says.

We do as he suggest and eat the pizza.

He handed me the rose gold party dress with a pearl necklace. I turn on my curling iron to fix my hair with and begin on my makeup. Harry dresses in a black tux with a matching bow tie to my dress.

"So explain to me what this is again." I say.

"So it's a little ceremony for a friend of mine I used to work with. He's getting recognized for his leadership in this business and I was invited with a plus one and I really didn't want to show up stag." He explains.

"I see. Who's your friend?"

"No one you'd know."

I nod leaving it at that. I just finish my makeup and only have a few more pieces to curl of my hair before I pin it back.

I slip on my heals and walk into the living room where Harry waits.

I walk in and he stands from the couch. I see something I've never seen before, Harry is a magnificent sight to see.

"You ready to go?" he asks after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah," I nod.

We walk outside to a limo, he holds the door open for me.

"Wow, I feel upper class for the first time." I laugh.

He laughs along, "Yeah, it's not all that it's made out to be."

I notice a type of pain in his eyes. I'm curious but I'm not sure I want to get into any conversation that will put him on the spot.

I decide on shifting conversation to how his trip was.

"Meet anybody important in Cali?"

"Just saw an old friend, a lot of it was just a break but I still stressed about all the applications I have to make up." He explains.

"You still had to do the applications?" I asked in confusion.

We have to accept job applications for big businesses across New York and other related companies so him being gone for two weeks, it takes a week to process and three week waits are very long and could hurt our business strictly.

"No no, there's a certain amount Rickman could do for me."

I nodded to end the discussion. "So how about your old friend? Was it nice seeing them?"

"Yeah, he's one of my childhood friends. He's known me through thick and thin so seeing him was refreshing. He had some wild stories." He chuckled at memories.

I laugh along to keep it from being awkward, "What does he do for a living?"

"Oh he gambles mostly"

"Not what I was expecting." I plainly reply.

"So what about you? How was New York without your good ole boss?"

I think back to my time from him, "It was uneventful."

"See, I'm more important to you than you know." He winks.

I laugh and agree. We arrive to a tall building with many windows. We get out of the limo and onto the concrete before the door. There are people in fancy dresses and nice stilettos with thick makeup. This is definitely not my forte.

"This will be boring, but I'll make it worth it by the end of the night." He suggest.

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