chapter two

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I woke up to my phone ringing loudly in the living room. I hop up and make my way there.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey Drew, Harry from the interview. We would like to welcome you to our company, you got the job," he said. "Come by sometime today for your schedule."

"Thank you very much," I smile in excitement.

I quickly shower and get ready to go to the office. I've always wanted to work on programming and writing. Now I can, now I can be whoever I want to be.

I make my way down the street catching the nearest taxi. New York is so full of people it's crazy. California was very open and friendly.

The taxi arrives and as you should I tip him.

"Drew Summers, I am here to pick up my schedule," I say to the lady at the front desk.

"Here you go, welcome to the company," she smiled at me.

I left the building seeing that I start tomorrow at 8 in the morning. I decide to go shopping for a few suits.


I wake up to my alarm. I shower then put on a grey blazer with a tight skirt and black heals. My hair lays flat down my back. And soon enough I'm on my way.

"Good morning Miss Summers nice having you," a lady says in the front office.

I nod politely, trying to find Harry, who is my mentor.

"I'm looking for Harry Styles," I ask the front lady which I learned is named Rachel.

"Yeah, he's late. I'll have Zayn lead you to your desk until Harry gets here."

She calls for Zayn to come to the front while I stand to the side.

A boy with dark brown hair slicked back walks in and greets me.

"Zayn Malik."

"Drew Summers."

We walk to the office where we all will be working. The room is very large with all connecting desks that have privacy walls. Many people are typing on computers, on the phone, writing, and even some goofing off.

Zayn motions to me my desk that is very spaced. It has a computer and phone to the side. There are filing cabinets and droors.

"Well, you officially have your own desk now," he smiled.

"Thank you," he walks off to his work space that is the desk next to mine.

After ten minutes of nothing, Harry finally arrives without the slightest drip of sweat.

"Ready to start," he asks.

"Yeah, I've been."

He instructs me how to use the computers, what and what not to do, who to hang up the phone on, and other organization tips.

"So you got it?"

"Yup, I'm ready to start," I smile.

I finish work at five and head back to my apartment. I meet Perrie once again at the stairs.

"Hey, what have you been up to," she asks.

"Just got back from my first day of work."

It's nice having at least one friend here. So far she's the only person I have really enjoyed talking to.

"Where do you work," she asks getting interested.

"The office down the street," I try to explain.

"Oh, Medina Employment," she suggests

I nod remembering the name of the place.

"My boyfriend actually works there, Zayn?"

"Yeah, Zayn was one of the first people I met," I smiled, happy that I now have connections.

"He's a good guy," she smiles, looking up.

"He seems sweet. How long have you two been together?"

"A year."

Perrie and I small talk in the hall before separating our ways.

Although, today was very eventful I had a good time.

a/n: hey honestly i hate starting books but hopefully it wasn't too risky putting zayn and perrie in. but to me it's no problem.

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