chapter thirty

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I wake up at nine. I only slept 4 hours, I couldn't stop thinking.

I should get a call soon to pick up my brother since Adam is gone. I'm so nervous about meeting him. I wonder if he really is the devil Harry explained him to be.

I dress myself in a suit and slick my hair back in a pony tail. Ill have to be at the court at 11, the first time I'll ever see my twin.

I leave early to grab some coffee. I order a cappuccino, one like Harry used to get.

I drive to the court house. This is terrifying. I hesitate on going inside so I play music to waste a few minutes.

'I miss you' by Blink 182 plays. This was one of my favorite songs, but now it hits too close to home.

I walk inside at 10:30 to discuss how the hearing is going to go.

"I'm here for the release of Parker Owens," I say to the sheriff at the entrance.

"Down the hall to the left," He says and gives me my visitor tag.

I walk and meet with the judge who runs through everything that's going to happen.

"There will be a plead from Mr. Styles, saying he's guilty. Then your brother will say he's not guilty, we will ask if anyone has any other statements or questions and dismiss. There will be some paperwork after for you to fill out so Parker doesn't have a warrant." The judge explains.

So Harry will be there? I can't stand to see him, hear his voice. I've never been so overwhelmed.

I wait outside for the session to begin. They have to bring in the "prisoners" separate for safety reasons.

I see Ed from a distance, my mind begins to race. He's going to hate me.

"Drew, what's going on?" Ed asks.

I sigh, "That's my brother. The innocent man. Harry is taking his place," I explain.

"I know." His face drops. I can tell he's as upset and confused as I am.

"How did you know?" I ask.

"Louis is his emergency contact, he told me to come because he couldn't see you. He wants so bad to not be angry, but Harry is the only person he has in the end." Ed explains.

He feels bad for me, I can tell. I hate this as much as anyone else. I couldn't just leave my brother in prison, they'll understand someday.

They allow us to enter, the hearing is about to begin.

"Styles, in your statement it says that you single handedly murdered three men. One with a bat and the others with your bare hands. Is this true?" The judge asks to start off.

"Yes sir," He replies, his voice is quiet and low.

"And you say that was an act on defending and protecting yourself."

"Yes sir."

My body aches at the sound of his voice admitting to his burden.

"Owens, your statement says you did not have any part in this crime. Is this true?"

"Yes sir, I only saw the aftermath." He replies.

I look over to see what the deep voice came out of, my twin brother. He has dark brown hair and tan skin. He truly does look a lot like me.

"Styles, do you plead guilty to the murder of James, Tate, and Chaz?"

"Yes sir," He replies.

His cheeks are a rosy red. His face is blank, empty of emotion. I know Harry, and I know that he's hating himself for loving as hard as he did.

"Owens, do you have any questions or further concerns?"

"No sir," He replies.

The judge writes down some things on paper.

"Mr. Styles, you will serve life in prison without the death penalty due to timing of admitting and defense law." The judge explains.

Harry nods. My heart escapes my body. I wish there was some other way. Something else we could do.

"Case dismissed." The judge says.

We all exit the room. I wait outside for an officer to take me into a room to meet Parker and sign some things.

I see Louis walking outside the court room. I walk over to him quickly.

"Louis, you came."

He looks over at me, facials blank. "I came for Harry, not for you."

My eyes turn to the ground.

"You fooled him. You made us all think you were apart of us but you're just as 'unloyal' to us as Harry apparently was to Ava." Louis spits.

"Louis, that was my brother, I had no other option."

"We always find a way, we were going to find a way. You better hope your gut is right about changing Parker because you're in pretty deep." He sternly replies and walks away without me being able to defend.

I close my eyes to control my feelings. I have no idea how to feel. I just lost all the friends I've ever had. Ed can't even trust me anymore.

The officer informs me on where to go, I follow his instructions.

I sit in a cushioned chair with a desk in front of me that the officer sits at. Parker walks in and sits next to me. I don't look up to make eye contact.

"Just sign here and here and Parker you'll sign under." He shows us.

I do as he says. I put the pen down and sigh, "Is that all, officer."

"Yes ma'am. Here's a card that you will contact if there are any problems. Parker is technically an ex convict so there are some precautions we have to go through. Call if you all need anything." He smiles and motions for us to exit.

We leave the room and walk towards my car.

"Well, I'm Drew.. or Lilli." I say. It hurts to have to say that name again, but the only people that know me by Drew aren't apart of my life anymore.

"Parker, crazy how we're just meeting," He smiles.

I can't tell if he's freaky or actually nice. I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of scared.

"Is there anything you need? Clothes, food, coffee?" I ask.

"I'd kill for some Mcdonald's right now, actually." He replies.

"It may be a little too soon to use that phrase," I laugh.

He laughs along, this may go a little better than anticipated.


so quite emotional lately. should parker be a good guy or bad guy ??? comment !!

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