chapter twenty three

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Harry and I pace back in forth in our room. The time is soon to come that we will take the risk to get out of here.

"No matter what happens, promise me you'll keep going." Harry tells me

"I won't leave you, Harry"

Harry clenches his jaws in frustration. I can tell in his eyes he doesn't think we can pull this off. He wants to risk himself to save me and I won't let him.

The door swings open. Here goes nothing.

We start to walk out as we normally would. I wasn't scared until now. My heart is racing as fast as it possibly could. What happens if it doesn't work? What if they shoot us? What if Harry gets out and I don't or vice versa? Why did we ever plan this.

Harry nods at me to inform me that now is the time. He pulls his arm back to knock down the guard but the guard catches his arm before he could. We never thought about if this man could have fast refluxes or his experience in refuges.

Without thinking I kick the mans legs from underneath him, releasing him from Harry.

"Run," Harry says.

I pause for a minute but realize it'll be faster if I just listen. Harry continues to hit the mans face until he's knocked out. I wait at the end of the hall for Harry to catch up. He looks around as he runs. I open the door and we sprint down the stair case.

No words are leaving our mouths, just fighting for breath as we race for our lives. I hear the door open again and men yelling, stumbling down after us.

They are a good ways away but we need to keep ahead. We get outside where men are at another door.

"This way," Harry says, motioning towards an alley two buildings down. We run in the dark but not much farther.

Harry opens a door on the side. He pulls me in and shuts the door.

"They're going to keep running, we just stay quiet and wait." He says

I'm engulfed with fear. They're going to find us. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but they will and when they do, they'll kill us.

I look over at Harry and notice the blood that covered his hands and shirt.

"Harry, are you okay?" I grow worried

His eyes are sorrowful, "It's not mine."

I know what Harry is capable of. "Did you.. kill him?"

"I don't know, I had to save you."

I shake my head. I guess it's what he had to do, I just hate the burden he carries.

"They're probably all over the area right now. They will be for a while. We need to find a new location soon. They'll start to search buildings." Harry states

I'm not ready for him to be taken from me. We just met. All my life I've needed a man like him, a love like ours, I finally have it but only for a second because now there's no way we're going to survive this.

Harry gives me a look for me to confirm that I'm ready to make a run for it. He opens the door and we sprint out of the alley and into streets where civilians can camouflage us.

We have to walk calmly but I can feel the fear in the air. The tensity is strong not knowing where these people are or where to go to be safe.

"Should we hop on a bus, a plane?" I ask

"That's the first place they'll search, that and our homes. We can't just skip town, that's too easy. Most of the time you could hide in the most obvious places, just don't go where they expect you to go."

I nod my head in understanding. Harry is smart, I would've never put so much thought in that. I guess he may have more experience in this than I do though.

A man whispers our names but the both of us keep walking, ignoring the voice. The names are heard again, this time closer. Soon, a man grips Harry's shoulder for his attention.

"Ed," Harry says in relief. "Thank God. We need your help."

"Yeah, I know you're in trouble. That's why Louis and Zayn are at their chamber. We're going to win, Harry. We're going to end this." Ed explains.

"What do you mean?" Harry questions.

"I mean we're gonna build our own troop and fight for final justice." He explains. "Now come on, we need to go to my place to discuss everything."

I'm so confused by all this. I'm still not exactly sure how everyone is involved in my dads gang and how it turned out so bad. I know my sister has to do with it, but were they all in it or did they just join forces to save her?

We make our way to Ed's apartment. Inside are a couple of guys I met at parties.

"Niall, have you tracked Adam yet?" Ed asks the blonde man.

"Yes. He's on his way back to the building by the looks of it." He answers looking at the computer.

On the couch across from Niall was a brown haired boy. Liam I think was his name. We sit next to him.

"Louis and Zayn are on their way back now." Liam informs us.

"So, do you all understand what my dad does? He's a gang leader, they're only in it for themselves. They aren't afraid to kill, in fact they love it. We have to be careful, they're ruthless."

"Wait a minute, if Adam is your father then that makes you Ava's sister?" Niall tried to understand.

"Yes," Harry answers. "It's a long story."

At the awkward moment Louis and Zayn both walk in. I assume they were graphing the inside and escape routes to build a plan.

"What do you have?" Harry asks.

"Okay so about three men walk out from each exit during an escape within about 2 minutes except the back corner door where only two come out. We can enter that way." Zayn explains.

"Well why would we enter if all the men are outside?" I ask.

"Great question, love. We need inside to attack when they get back, all wore out from the chase and relaxed thinking they're safe." Louis explains.

"But how do we set an escape alarm if there's no one captive?" I question

"You're gonna get caught again, Drew." Louis smiles.

a/n: hoping this will rattle some brains. it's a little out there but i'm excited for the take down!!

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