chapter thirty four

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I walk down a dim hall with grey steel walls, lead by an officer with high armor. I follow him to a room with only one small square window that is caged over.

"You have one hour," The officer says, motioning me into the room.

I walk in and sit across from the hottest curly haired boy I have ever met.

"I miss you," He says before I could say anything.

Tears almost form in my eyes, "Am I allowed to hug you right now" I laugh.

He laughs along, "If you were allowed to touch me we'd be doing more than just hugging."

We laugh together for a while, exchanging smiles, ones I've never seen so big across our faces.

"Do they record these?" I ask.

"Only video, no sound." He replies.

"Perfect," I smile. "We're working together to get you out of here. The pieces haven't all fit yet, but don't lose hope on us."

He smiles, but this time not so big. "Drew, I committed a crime. Do not risk your lives for me."

I furrow my brows at him, "I can't live without you. I'll spend every waking moment in this prison that I am able to. There's not much worth living without you." I say, tears in my eyes.

"It's unfair, I know. It'll be okay, I'll be here every time you come but eventually the pain will lessen and you'll find a new way in the world."

I look up and bite my lip, "Don't even say things like that. I will get you out of here." My voice raspy with anger and pain, anger at myself.

He furrows his brows and stares at me, allowing me to get my emotions out.

"I'm so stupid. Why did I put you in here. It's all my fault," I put my hands over my face in frustration, tears still flowing.

"Drew, stop." Harry softly says, but I ignore him. "Listen to me, this is not your fault."

He reaches his hands out, "You can't hold my hands, but just know that I am holding you. This will all work out. I still have hearings left and maybe they'll let me out someday based on my behavior. Just don't put yourself in danger to help me." He comforts me, emphasizing the last sentence.

I bite my lip and nod my head. He means the world to me.

"I love you, Harry." I say

"I love you more, Drew," He smiles.

I smile back at him. We can make this work.


I unlock the door to my apartment and walk in.

"Good morning, Parker." I smile at him sitting on the couch.

"How was your first visit?" He asks

My stomach drops, does he really mean..?

"What're you talking about?" I ask.

He raises his eyebrows, "You know, Harry got visiting rights today. I wouldn't doubt that's where you'd be."

I furrow my brows and walk to sit next to him. "What do you think you know and why?" I ask.

"Stop beating around the bush, sis. I know people here too. Harry was not just your coworker." He replies.

I stumble on what to say next. Why did I think I could keep that from him.

"Look, we had a thing. I was the new girl around town, I didn't know anyone other than the people I worked with. Harry was my boss, we went out for coffee every now and then. As soon as I found out about what he did, I took him to the sheriffs office and got you out of there." I explain, hoping he isn't mad.

He nods, "Yeah, two casual coworkers who kill my father together."

I'm speechless. I'm scared in this moment, I don't even know this kid.

"Parker, I don't know the man that you knew Adam to be, but me and him didn't see eye to eye. There is no excuse for him being killed but he was endangering me and my friends. He had my sister murdered, I knew what he was capable of and so did others. That's how he was killed." I try my best to calmly explain.

He nods his head, "I'm just confused. I go into prison having a dad and leave having a twin sister. There's so many missing pieces... I'm sorry if I came off as rude or anything. I don't really know you that well and that's the only past I was told about you, it scared me." He replies.

I bring him in for a hug, "You have nothing to be afraid of." We release from the hug, "I had a dark past, it's over now. This is our new beginning." I comfort him.

He smiles at me, "Thank you. You're all I have left."

I smile back, "Won't you take my car out to go get some fresh air. We can go to a bar later." I offer.

He agrees and takes my keys and heads out of the apartment. I wait a few minutes after the door is shut and quickly open my phone to call Ed.

"I need you at my apartment right now, we don't have much time." I sternly say.

He hangs up and rushes over.

I hear the doorbell ring and answer it to Ed.

"What's going on?"

I lead him to the kitchen counter and pour us both a cup of coffee.

"Parker knows about Harry and I and he knows that we killed Adam." I explain to him.

His eyebrows raise. "Oh shit," He looks at me, wide eyed.

"I covered it well though. I told him that I turned Harry in the moment I found out and that Adam was going to kill me if someone hadn't got to him first."

"Well, you didn't lie." Ed replies.

A smile crosses my face, "Unfortunately." I chuckle. "He's gone now to get some fresh air, he acted as if it was all okay and played the victim, but I don't trust him." I say. "I need someone to watch him while I'm not with him, see where he's going and where he got this information from. He could be really dangerous, but this could help us."

Ed nods his head. "You're right. He could lead us to more of Adams army, we can manipulate them into helping us get Harry out."

"They don't care about their men, they only care about themselves. They'll sacrifice whoever." I smile.

"I want someone here to keep you safe while he's staying here. He has such easy access to kidnap or kill you." Ed says.

I nod, "Have one of the boys come in and be my boyfriend. It'll help his concerns with me still being connected to Harry."

"It needs to be Liam," He suggest. "He's not on scene with us as much because he does all the monitoring. His face shouldn't be as recognizable."

I agree with him.

"You better go before he comes back, I'll meet Liam later and bring him back with me. Tell him to get some things together that he'll need."

Ed nods and follows my instructions. I turn on some netflix to be casual when Parker gets back.

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