chapter twenty two

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We've been stuck in this place for two days now. The struggle to find an escape has been over whelming. It's not so much that there isn't a way out but the problem is that we will be shot down the moment we break sequence. We have to find a way to catch them off guard.

Harry and I are still on bad terms. He's the only real love I've ever had so I hate that I have to be so distant but I can't let go of the fact that he was apart of my dads program and was involved in the death of my sister. It may be selfish, he was in love with her, but I have every right to be angry.

"So right before lights out there is only one guard to send us to sleep. You think then we could plan something?" Harry asks

I reminisce on the idea. It could work. "You could attack him and I make sure the coast is clear. We could trail down the hall on the left but we need to figure out where that leads." I say.

"We're on floor 2 so it should be a staircase. After we get to the end of the hall we'll turn left and there will be the door. At the bottom of the stairs is the exit." He explains

Sometimes I forget that he knows the area. Even though it helps, I wish he didn't.

We decide to rehearse it tonight by creating a scene so we know what happens once the guard is attacked.

We sit in silence once again deep in our own thoughts. I miss going to work and going on coffee dates with Harry just to laugh. I miss what we had, I think I was starting to really fall for him. Out of all that we're going through right now, my biggest fear is actually being in love with him.

I look over at Harry while I think. His emerald eyes and perfectly messy hair. I hate myself for wanting to hold him. He's a murderer, he's one of them, for gods sake he's in love with my sister.

"Time for lunch," The guard says, breaking my thoughts.

Harry gives me a sorrowful look as if he was holding onto a lot of guilt. I can tell he regrets everything he's done, especially hurting me.

We enter the same room we talked to my father in when we first got here. There are plates of food placed for us. The food is decent, actual meals they would eat themselves.

Harry and I sit to eat. My father walks in and sits at the table along with the guard.

"So. You two have been here for a couple days now, I assume you're wondering when action will take place." He begins as we eat. "Things are being arranged. I'm not quite sure what to do with you yet, Lilli, but as for Harry I've got some things in mind."

We give each other a worried look. He plans on killing Harry like Harry did his men.

Once we are done eating the guard walks us back to our room.

I look at Harry to assure him that I'm going to cause a scene. He nods back at me.

We get to the door of our room and I start to pretend to choke. Harry immediately freaks out but the guard is trying to get me to stay quiet.

"What's happening?" Harry freaks out. "Drew, are you okay? Just breathe," Harry acts to support.

The guard is in shock, he's furious at this point.

Harry angrily storms down the hall towards the staircase we discussed. The guard chases after him, "Where are you going? You can't run away from me."

Harry comes back around the corner from the staircase with a first aid.

"I used to be apart of your little party, clearly I know more about handling crisis than you do." Harry spits at the guard.

Harry pumps my chest and the guard finds medicine from the first aid to cure the aches I'll endure from the traumatic choking.

We are put back into the room and locked.

"So the guard is just as afraid of them as we are. He didn't want to call for help, that's why he wanted you to be quiet." Harry explains.

"So all we have to do is take him down." I conclude. "Was the staircase door unlocked?"

"Yes, its right after you turn down that hall."

Getting out of here will work, it's the staying out and staying safe that's tricky. We have to be faster than them to get away from the building without them finding us. Also, we have to stay away. They got us once and they will again. We can't just turn them into the cops, there are too many of them and to the authority they hold they could even be involved with the law.

We pace in the room, going over our plan of escape. If it goes wrong, who knows what will happen.

Harry furrows his brows, staring deeply at me. "Drew, I just want you to know I don't care where you've been, who you used to be, and what you come from. Who you are now is who I come to know and love and that will never be a lie or change."

I'm not sure how to reply to that. It warms my heart in a major way knowing he's accepting of me.

Tears form in my eyes as i embrace him in a hug. "I love you, Harry. Never forget that," I say in his ear.

We meet eyes then a kiss with passion. I've never felt this way about a man, nor have I ever known someone like I know Harry. I do know there is something special about him and I.

"You're going to be okay, I promise." He says, kissing my forehead.

"We're gonna be okay," I reply with worry.

He stares at me as if he's holding something back. I know Harry and I know he will risk himself to get me out of this but I won't let him.

"Promise me," I demand.

He pauses with pain. "I promise, Drew."

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