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"shinhye! your friends are here!" mom said outside from my room.

and i was still packing because i wasn't able to pack yesterday after shopping because i was lazy.

"i'm still packing! tell them to wait!" i said almost done packing.

after everything i put on my big shoulder...i think of the all the things that i need again to see if i clearly put it all.

"i'm done!" i said and grabbed it and i looked at myself at the mirror.

i was wearing a deanim shorts like a beach style and and just a plain white croptop shirt and a beach hat and wore my sunglasses.

"perfect." i said to myself and smile.

then i went out of my room and saw my mom waiting for me at the couch.

"enjoy your vacation sweetie, your dad and i have to go somewhere, it's been really long since we didn't get to see around seoul." she said and chuckled.

"is that a date?" i said and smirked.

"well, you could say that." she said with a looked and smirked back.

"you don't have  anything left behind for your trip?" she said.

"i have everything i need already." i said and smiled

"good, have fun sweetie!' she said as i started to walked towards the door.

"bye mom!" i said and opened the door.

there, i saw them including unnie. she let my mom go with us because she know she's the only one who's been there for me and only close with me in this  house. so thee, i saw them with their beach outift.

"sorry i took so long." i said and smiled loking akward.

"it's alright, we were just talking about something." namjoon said.

"yah, are you all talking about something without me? how rude." i said and rolled my eyes.

"is it rude for all of us to talked about something without you?" seokjin said and raised an eyebrow.

"whatever, let's just go." i said and walked ahead of them towards the van and opened and heard jungkook chuckled.

then they all went in and i sat beside the window and jungkook sat beside me while the other boys are at the back and infront of us was suzy and unnie.

"yah jin hyung, lt's stop to a convenience store first." jimin said.

"why?" he said as he turned around from his driver place to look at the back.

"i think we should need something to eat while traveling, since it's a long way to get there." he said.

"he's right though, we should stop by." i said.

"okay then!" he said and turned back around and started the engine.

as soon as he started the engine..

"everyone, just sit back, relax and enjoy our trip." he said as he looked at the rear mirror.

"oh yes!" suzy and unni said and gave each other a high five and i just looked at them and chuckled.

Soon, we started to head our way to our destination..

~2 hours later

2 hours had passed already and it was still 9:00 a.m since we all left so earlier and we are still traveling. the boys at the back where talking about their conversation, suzy and unnie where watching a drama using a laptop with earphones on and while jungkook and i at the center at the side of the window holding hands.

we soon passed by so many places, we were now at a place filled with tress everywhere and just a road at a center.

it was a good view for me to admire all the nature things outside..and just what i always like to stare and admire the sky.

so i leaned my forehead to the window and looked up to the sky and smiled.

"the sky is just so beautiful as always.." i said normally while smiling not showing my teeth.

"it's always beautiful when you're the one who's admiring it." jungkook said.

then i looked  at him and raised an eyebrow.

"what? it's true anyway." he said and laughed shortly.

and again..with the blushing..

"yah, stop it." i said as i looked our right away to the window and i could feel my cheek burning up.

"oh? your blushing." he said as he touched my chin and turned my head facing him ith his smirk on his face.

just not with that smirk please

how can you be so handsome even with just that smirk?

"i'm not." i said and looked at the other side again and cleared my throat.

seriously, i'm a little bit embarrased right now. my cheeks can't handle the burning senstaion when he always said those kinds of words!

"tch." i heard him mumbled.

and we just continued holding hands and i was only staring outside admiring the beautiful things while traveling.

A/N- hii guys! okay i know this chapter is not interesting because i really don't have any ideas for this chapter since they're on their way to jeju my bad and i'm sorry this is just so boring chapter and i'm also disappointed in myself too for not maing up any ideas :(

so yep! the last chapter will finally gonna end soon. i can't believe i'm already ending it and already reached up to 56 chapters! how did i end up publishing so many chapters that high?

anyways...i hope you will stay tune on the final chapter tomorrow! i'm still making up an idea on how to end it for jungkook and shinhye.....i should say......romantically, hehe since they're on jeju island.

so yeah that's all!

and.......20K READS!?! SERIOUSLYYYYY...HOW DO YOU ALL LIKE THIS STORY?? MY EXPECTATIONS WERE NOT THAT HIGH...i was expecting to get atleast 1k reads before and it would be enough for me...but 20K?? WOAH


don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! always remember that i always LOVED YOU GUYS ALWAYS AND FOREVER!


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