Glaze - Chapter Twenty Five

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3 years later...

Blaze sits in Garroth's room back on lovers lane with him talking happily with him, "haha! I remember, that was the most stupidest way to ask someone out" Garroth laughs soon Blaze joins in. "Okay, okay" Blaze says trying to stop himself from laughing, soon both the males have calmed down. "What if I said this?" Blaze says, Garroth giving him an intrigued look, Blaze stands out of his chair.

"Marry me!" He yells with his eyes closed, Garroth's eyes open wide. He stands up with a giant grin on his face, "of course!" He yells back, both two come closer to each other, making contact with their lips.

Author: C-c-c-could this be the end?!?!?
I happy to announce Glaze has come to an end, I'm sorry for all the short chapters and my crappy writing skills but I did really enjoy writing this and I hope you liked reading it. Everybody have a lovely day and support gay rights for Blaze and Garroth! You all de best and thanks for reading this! See ya!

Glaze - AphmauOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant