Glaze - Chapter Three

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In the next few weeks, Garroth and Blaze became closer to the state they would talk about almost anything. They hung out almost all the time and Garroth would always join his pack when they went somewhere.


Dotty, Daniel, Rylan, and Blaze were sitting at a table eating their breakfast,

"So Blaze, what about you and Garroth," Dotty said smirking, Blaze looked up from his breakfast

"What do you mean? me and Garthy Dude?"

"Well you have been hanging out a lot so are you two like you know"

"No... I don't know" Blaze said staring intently at Dotty.

"She means together as in dating," Daniel said not taking his eyes off his pancakes...

"WHAT?!?!, no, we are just best buds"

"Then why are you getting so riled up," Rylan said looking up at Blaze,

"OOOOooo" Dotty whistled with a larger smirk, "Hahahaha, just kidding Blaze".

She continued to eat her breakfast while Blaze was muttering quietly to himself, later the werewolf's decided to go play on the beach with Aaron and Aphmau.

"Hey, Aaron can I ask you something?" Blaze said with a stressed expression


"How do you know if you like someone?" the werewolf asked fidgeting,

"Well, that's hard to answer but why? anyway"

"Please just tell me"

"Okay, well you always want to be near them you either feel nervous around them or very comfortable, you often think about them a lot"

"thanks..." Blaze said awkwardly, walking away then soon sitting on the sand in deep thought, Until he got a sudden shock from Garroth standing right behind him, "Garroth!"

"Hey Blaze, wait, no Garthy Dude?"

"umm" Blaze started to go red in the face

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well I'm gonna go to the bathroom," He said standing up and running away"

"Okay...." Garroth said putting on a curious expression.

"Hey Aaron, is something up with Blaze?"

"Well, he did just ask me how do you know if you like someone," Aaron said stuffing butter cookies into his mouth, then Aphmau came running over.

"Who liking who?" she said excitedly,

"Blaze likes someone... I think" Aaron said looking at Aphmau, suddenly Aphmau remembered something.


"Aphmau! Aphmau!" Kawaii Chan yelled running up to Aphmau,

"Whats up?"

"I have a new ship"

"Another one?"

"Yeah, You need to ship it with me even Zane does"

"Really? Who?"

"Blaze and Garroth"

Aphmau put her hand on her chin but soon her eyes lit up.

"It's perfect!"


"Maybe, he likes you," Aphmau said smirking

"Nah, I don't think so," Garroth said crossing his arms, thinking hard.

"Well, you don't know for sure?"

"Well, no.."

"Ask him on a date as a joke and see how he reacts and remember to tell me" Aphmau suggested while sitting down next to Aaron"

"Okay....I guess"

AUTHOR: WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHO KNOWs hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

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