"How much longer?" Michael groaned,

"You're lucky Anabella isn't here or we'd be waiting 2 hours minimum" he chuckled, and Michael sucked his teeth impatiently. He glanced over to Alexander's rosy face,

"Damn I know you're happy but calm down" his laughter boomed through the room,

"I can't help it" Alexander grabbed his jaw trying to relax his cheeks, he stroked his stubble,

"I'm happy for you man" He said when Lynn and Destiny emerged from Lynn's room, "wow" Michael said in amazement followed by a whistle, Lynn wore a maroon floor length fitted dress, with her little baby bump showing. He approached her quickly, "You look simply stunning" he said to her,

"Thank you" she blushed, she nudged him looking at Destiny,

"You look great too Destiny" he grinned,

"Thank you" she whispered, Alexander walked over to her tilting her chin but,

"Come on now there isn't any reason for you to be looking at the floor" he said,

"He's right because I did a damn good job you look flawless," Lynn said confidently, Destiny wore a blue dress with embroidered flowers, her bump was concealed by the ruffles of the dress. "One more thing and were ready" Lynn handed her the matching mask and they left.

The party was at Crown Majesty, it would've been the first time their families were all together since the last party, and especially Anabella. He wanted to rush to her as soon as he got there and tell her everything but he would have to find her first. Since they were all wearing mask it made it a bit harder but he could pick her out in a crowd. There was no way he wasn't going to find her. He stood in the middle of the room looking around listening to light murmuring around the room, he kept scanning the room trying to find her,

"Looking for someone?" he heard a small voice behind him say, he turned around to see his grandmother,

"Gran!" he exclaimed giving her a hug,

"Alexander! Are you trying to kill me" he said pushing him away causing them both to laugh,

"And no I'm not looking for anyone"

"Well you didn't hear it from me but she's coming down right now" she pointed him in the direction of the elevator where the numbers slowly decreased as it neared the ground level. 6...5...4...3...2..1..ding, the doors slide open and he felt his chest bursting with emotion, everyone gasped as they saw a masked female in a black ball gown step from the elevator, the top of the dress was a bustier as the lowcut sleeves hung long on her shoulders pushing her ample breasts upward, the bottom moved smoothly as she walked; she looked like a princess as the bottom flared outward. Even if his grandmother didn't tell him she was coming, he knew it was her. There wasn't a woman he knew could walk into a room and take everyone's breath away like Anabella Carter. His Anabella. Her hair was up into a braided bun with a black and silver mask covering most of her face. The mask suited the dress perfectly as it drew the eyes to the pair of brown eyes hidden behind it. He stood frozen looking at her, she was feet away but their eyes met and she looked away quickly,

"Breathe" Lynn whispered, "Go get our girl back" she shoved him in her direction, but she walked away going for a drink.

Music played in the background, on his way to her he bumped into Jeremy,

"Hey, I gotta talk to you"

"Can't it wait? I kinda gotta go fix shit with my girlfriend"

"I gotta talk to you now" Alexander looked at him from behind his black and purple mask,

"Really I gotta-" the shrieking sound of someone hitting the microphone on the stage made everyone cringe,

"Good night everyone, we're so glad everyone could make it." The cheery lady said "The dance floor is open do enjoy your night and drink responsibly" she said before leaving the stage when the music began to blast in the rush of people going to the dance floor Alexander lost Jeremy. He searched for the man who was by his side but he was gone and he lost sight of Anabella.

Jeremy dragged Anabella to a remote corner of the party,

"I want to tell him now," he said,

"I wanted to tell him since yesterday" she pointed out "should we tell him together or do you want me to tell him? I mean it's my fault"

"It's not your fault you were vulnerable and I fucked up" she nodded,

"I hope he understands" she sighed,

"Alexander isn't the type to hold a grudge, I'm sure he'd understand"

"You're sure I'd understand what?" another voice sounded, they turned quickly to see Alexander standing behind them. Anabella saw him earlier, he wore a sleek black tux, with a black tie, his mask was black with a purple design on it, his beard was longer than it usually was and she loved how rugged it made him look.

"Uhhhh" Jeremy sounded, Alexander approached slowly a tight crease in his forehead appeared above the mask, Jeremy glanced at Anabella, "we have a confession" he finally said,

"A confession?"

"yes," Anabella said before she swallowed hard "Yesterday when he came to see me something happened between us," she said, and Alexander froze before them,


"You slept with my girlfriend!" Alexander's anger grew in a second, he was like a raging bull charging at them, and more specifically Jeremy,

"Wait, no bro! we didn't have se-" Jeremy didn't get to finish his sentence since Alexander's fist connected with his jaw making him stumble back.

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