Doctor on Call

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It's been two days after graduation day and Kit is still busy with his hospital duty. He together with Beam and Phana are working on their requirements for the licensure exam when they were asked to cover some of the shift of the doctors to complete their hospital hours. Kit was assigned to the Emergency room as requested by the ER head.

He just finished his rounds and decided to take a breather - he haven't spoke with his Handsome Moon the past two days for the Current Head Hazer was also busy with his Academics and Hazing responsibilities.

To be quite honest, Kit's been waiting for the day of their vacation to arrive so they can spend time together. He took out his phone and check the time it was almost 4 in the morning - his boyfriend must be sleeping by now when his phone rings


/Hi baby~ are you busy?/

"I'm on break, why are you still awake?"

/just finished my assignments and projects that I needed to submit later this afternoon. I was just trying my luck to see if you are free./

"You should be sleeping instead of talking to me, what time is your class later?"

/around 3pm if I am not mistaken but I need to drop by early because I need to submit the proposal for the charity event./

"Then better go and sleep. I am just on a quick break..."

/But I missed you. Let me listen to your voice for a while na?/

Kit blushed when he heard his boyfriend whining on the other line as he shake his head and smiled

"Fine, but don't blame me if you are sleepy in class later na."

/I won't. I can handle this much. What time will you be going home?/

"Hmmm must be in the morning. I still have a few hours left to work on then submit the paperworks."

/nice to hear. by the way what gift will we give P'Forth and P'Beam?/

"oh, I almost forgot. I haven't decided on it yet. Do you have any ideas in mind?'

/none yet, but I am thinking of giving them a vacation treat./

"really? where?'

/Samui..remember that Island I told you about? the one Bpuu wants us to visit once we're free./

"oooh, that island is really nice. I'm sure they will like it."

/So let's settle with that?/

"okay, your call moongming."

/I'll get it fixed later then./

Kit turned around when he heard his name being announced over the intercom.

"babe, I need to go. They're looking for me na~ make sure to sleep and don't wait up for me. you have classes." Kit reminded while waiting for Ming to respond

/Okay krub,. See you Kitkat. Love you./

"Love you too." Kit answered while smiling before he ended the call and run back inside the hospital.


Ming was busy browsing the internet after he ended the phone call with Kit. He was checking some information with his brows knitted while talking to his father using a video conference call

"I am about to sleep Dad. P'Kit is not yet here. He's in the hospital completing his scheduled hours.."

/I see and your senior will be getting married two days from now huh?/

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