Doctor in Charge

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Kit was about to finish his rounds when he notices a little commotion at the ER ward. He was busy talking to his fellow doctors when they heard the argument between the Hospital Staff and an elderly patient whom they can't see from where they were standing at.

"I told you, I will not do those test! I don't even understand what are those test for! I am a healthy old man!" The patient shouted catching the attention of the other patient inside the Emergency room

Kit let out a deep sigh, it is not new to him to see these kind of scenario from time to time since he had to deal with them most of the time after being assigned to the emergency room. He shake his head as he handed over the chart he was holding to the nurse beside him. He nods his head to the senior doctors as if taking his cue.

"who owns this hospital, why are there people like you who work here! you can't even explain why I need to do these test!" The patient shouted again while being held by the other staff and his guardian

Kit cleared his throat as he joined the scene. He can see how flustered the other doctor was and its not long before this one snapped at his patient so Kit knows he needs to do his part.

"Excuse me, I am Dr. Intochar, what seems to be the problem?" Kit asks while looking at the older patient and the other doctor. The doctor handed him the medical chart while staring at the old man in front of them.

The old man stared at Kit from head to toe as if scrutinizing him. "are you a doctor? why do you look so young?" he asks

Kit smiled as he nod his head "yes sir, I am a resident in this hospital. Would you allow me to look at your chart?" he asks while waiting for the old man's reaction. The old man just nod his head while huffing at the young doctors in front of him.

Kit scanned the medical records and found out that the old man almost fainted because of high blood pressure. They just need to run some other test to make sure that there's nothing wrong with him.

"So what did you find out? I am healthy right?" The old man ask while staring at Kit's figure

"Well to start off, I need to know your name so I can help you out Sir. I can explain these things for you but you have to trust us." Kit explained while staring back at the old man. If he needs to use reverse psychology to please this patient then he will do it.

The old man sighed as he touches his nape "I'm Mr. Daichepanya, have you heard of that name?" he asks

Kit's eyes widened in shock when he heard the last name "Mr. Daichepanya." he mumbled

"Yes, what's wrong?" The old man asks while watching Kit's shock expression

Kit shake his head as he tried to smile again "Nothing's wrong sir. as far as with your health concern, I believe we need to run some series of test. You almost fainted earlier because of high blood pressure. I know that you are healthy, but we need to make sure that you're overall health is also being checked." he explained never leaving the old man's gaze

/Is he related to Mingkwan? his grandfather perhaps?/

"How long will it take?" the old man asks after some time

Kit checked his watch "a one day worth of your time will be fine sir. we will make sure to take care of you while you're here. I assure you, Dr. Supasiwat is capable of doing that." he uttered

"No, I don't like him. I need you to look after me. If it's not you then let me sign the waiver so I can go home." The old man replied making Kit and the other staff dropped their jaw in shock.

Kit turned to glance at the flustered doctor who just nod his head in agreement while patting Kit's back. "well, I will be glad to help you out sir. this way please." he answered while pushing the wheelchair to the front desk so they can get a room for the day

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