First Day High!

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The whole university is once again crowded with students going back and forth from different directions. Everyone seems to be busy as this is the first day of a new semester, but not for the College of Medicine - since they had several summer classes and today is the continuation of the previous semester.

"Ai'kit, are you listening?" Beam asked while waving his right hand infront of the other guy who's too busy staring at his books

Kit lifted his gaze as he glance at his friend "sorry, were you saying something?"

Beam sighed as he shake his head, he's been talking for the last 20 minutes but it seems that his audience is not even listening "I said, Nong Yo's class will start this semester right?" he asks

Kit nodded, he remembered his conversation with Phana the other day about Wayo's first day of school and how enthusiastic his friend was to finally spend the semester with his childhood crush.

"Ai' pha told me about it the other day and he's supposed to be here." Kit replied

"but where is he?" Beam asks while looking around the school cafeteria

Kit shake his head when he can't find the other guy "he's probably stalking Yo or something." he replied

"The College of Science is too far from here and yet he still follows him around. He might be late for our next class" Beam said while jotting down notes

Kit leaned on his chair as he watch the other students pass by, they already got used to Phana leaving their faculty during Break or Lunch time when they were preparing for the Moon Competition but it even got worse after the competition has ended with Yo being so popular that Phana feels threatened that someone might took the younger guy away from him.

"What's your plan after this day?" Beam asks while fixing his stuff

Kit returned his gaze on his friend's direction and shrug his shoulder "I don't know yet probably return to the dorm and sleep." he replied

"Boring! why will you sleep when you can hangout with these gorgeous girls and make friends." Beam answered

"Making friends then?" somebody asks from behind which startled Beam and Kit
Who immediately turned around and saw that familiar Blue Jacket

"Ai' forth. wass up?" Kit asks while grinning at Beam's direction

Forth smiled at Kit's direction and took the seat beside Beam "so were you planning to do something later, Khun Ying?" he asks while looking at the other lad

Beam's cheeks turned red when he heard that nickname, he shake his head as he glance at Forth's direction "what are you doing here? you said that you have hazing duties to do." he replied

"Well, I was planning to, but then I'll probably have to cancel the freshmen's gathering since I have to be careful of someone making friends while I'm busy." Forth answered as he leaned closer to Beam

"You know I hate it when I'm being possesive about you.."  Forth whispered which causes Beam's eyes to widened. He lightly punch the other guy's arms as he move away from him

"You should be a role model to the other students and do your part." Beam answered while making faces, forth could only smile as he pinch Beam's cheeks

Kit started laughing while watching his friend. He couldn't believe that his playboy friend would fall head over heels with the Engineering moon. He can still remember how stern Beam was when he said that he won't fall for Forth no matter what but look at what he becomes. Its almost a year now.

"why are you laughing at me Ai'Kit?" Beam asks while glaring at his friend who seems to enjoy his misery. He always loses his cool whenever Forth is near him.

Forth smiled as he look at Kit's direction "Have you seen Nong Ming?" he asks

Kit frowned when he heard the name of the other guy, Ming is the University Moon who happens to be from the College of Engineering as well.

"How would I know?" Kit replied as he look away

Beam chuckled as he leaned closer to the table "didn't you say that you were talking to him last night for almost 2 hours?" he teases

Kit glared at Beam's direction as if telling him to shut up. Yes, he was on the phone with Ming last night but it was the other man who keeps on talking until he fell asleep. He can't even remember what the topic is all about.

"It was him who called me and kept on chatting nonstop. I don't even remember what we were discussing." Kit answered

Forth grinned while looking at Kit's direction "He told me that he's going to visit you here. He's probably on his way." he stated

"why will he even go ---"

"aaaaaaaah! he looks so handsome!"

"Why are all the engineering students looks so hot!"

"He's still my favorite Moon aside from P'Pha!"

Kit turned around and saw the girls screaming their lungs out when Ming pass by their area. The younger guy keeps on smiling as he look around trying to find the familiar face.

"N'Ming! over here!" Beam yelled as he wave his hand to catch ming's attention. Kit could only kick him on his feet.

Ming smiled as he wai infront of his seniors and took the seat beside kit

"sawadee krap, P"

Forth smiled as he tap Ming's shoulder "I thought you're already here." he said

"I tried to, but the P's from the Moon Association ask me to take some photos for the upcoming season so I had to drop by their studio." Ming replied

"you are still as popular even after a year." Beam replied while glancing at Kit's direction

Kit didn't say anything and just listened to the conversation. Ming is already on his second year together with Yo, but it seems like the Moon Competition just happened yesterday. Who would have thought that its been a year already?

"P'kitkat, you promised to take me out for lunch today" Ming said while looking at Kit's direction

"Me? since when?" kit ask while looking at Ming's face

Ming pouted while holding Kit's arm "You promised me last night!" he uttered

Kit let out a sigh as he shake his head, is he drunk last night while talking to this guy and he can't remember anything?

"Oh, you guys can take your lunch. Kit has not taken his lunch yet." Beam offered while kit could only glare at him

Ming smiled as he pulled Kit to stand up "Let's go P! I am starving." he replied

"If you are starving then eat on your own!" Kit answered

Ming shake his head "Nope! you promised me, so don't break that promise." he replied

"But my next class will start in 45minutes." Kit stated

Ming smiled "I will drop you here after eating so you won't be late, lets go. see you P' Forth And P'Beam!" he uttered while dragging Kit out of the faculty.

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now