Marking My Territory

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Its been a hellish week since the final exams had started. Students regardless of the course they are taking are busy cramming up with the reviews and last minute preparation that includes the crazy doctor gang.

"Ahhhh!!!! I think I am going crazy with a lot of things!" Beam uttered as he scratch his head nonstop. Despite the unforgiving hours of duty they also had to take the final exams. They were at the medical faculty cafeteria after a long hours of duty in the hospital.

Phana sighed as he scrunched his nose and stifle a yawn. Exhaustion evident in their body.

"When was the last time you guys went home?" Kit asks while sipping his uncounted number of coffee today.

Beam sighed as he leaned on his seat "I think 3 days ago. I can't even talk to Forth because of how critical my hospital hours was. I just sent him a message and he says that he's busy too." he answered

"mine was 2 days ago. I will need to drop by the dorm later to get some new clothes. Wayo is a bit busy too." Phana replied

Kit frowned as he shake his head. He can't believe that the school activity and academic requirements will be this harsh - he haven't seen Mingkwan for 4 days now since he's been staying in the hospital for cases and observations. He let out a sigh. Mingkwan was also busy with his academics.

"when can we get our free time back?" Kit asks as he leaned on his seat and massage his temples.

He doesn't want to admit but he miss his handsome moon. He miss how he kisses his temples whenever he's suffering from a headache, how his voice soothes him whenever he is stress out. How warm his hugs were whenever his body is tired from long hours of duty. He missed him but how should he tell him?

"I am sorry for being mushy, but I really miss Forth." Beam whined as he lay his head on top of his books while he sigh dreamily.

Phana nods his head "Yeah, I miss wayo too." he replied

"Damn,we sounded like a love sick person." Kit uttered while he let out a chuckle.

Beam glance at Kit "so you missed Mingkwan too?" He asks while teasing Kit.

"Ofcourse! I've stayed in the hospital longer than you guys!" Kit answered while pouting as he emptied the cup of coffee.

Beam sits up and smiled at Kit "Shall we visit them later after the exam?" he asks

"are you crazy? what if they also have their exams?" Kit asks while browsing his phone. Mingkwan told him that he has 3 exams today.

Beam smiled "and that's better we can show some support and what if there are girls who's trying to get into their pants. What are you gonna do?" he asks

"What girls?!" Kit asks almost shouting making Beam and Phana laugh

"Ai'Beam! stop teasing Kit, you know how sensitive he is when it comes to that. Mingkwan won't like it." Phana stated while shaking his head.

"Okay, okay. but I will visit Forth later. I don't think I can manage another day without seeing him." Beam explained as he fix his stuff

Phana laugh "you just want some sexy time with your moon." he teased Beam

"Atleast, I am being honest. stop teasing me Ai'Pha! I know you!" Beam answered while blushing.

Phana and Kit started laughing when they saw how flustered Beam was when he answered.

"Are you not going with me?" Beam asks while looking at Kit.

Kit smiled "I will. but let's review first and ace this exam!" he replied

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now