A Mother's Love

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"Mrs. Daichepanya..."

Kit's voice startled the woman in front of him. She looks like she was in shock of all the things that's happening right now. Kit stared at her face for a few minutes before sitting beside her - he needs to get those wounds and bruises be treated.

"are you hurt somewhere?" Kit asks while staring at Mingkwan's Mother.

Mrs. Daichepanya stared at the young doctor and shake her head. If they were in another situation, she could have shouted at him, but she doesn't have the heart to do it - not when he was looking at her with those concerned eyes.

"We need to get your wounds be treated or else they might get infected." Kit uttered

Mrs. Daichepanya's cold gaze meets Kit's concerned look "Why are you being nice to me after all that I have done?" she asks

"You're a patient at this hospital and I as a doctor has a responsibility to treat you like any other patient regardless of who and what you are. That's how the world revolve just like love." Kit answered as he glance at the nurse to bring in the First aid kit.

Mrs. Daichepanya sighed as she stared at the wall in front of her "I was really scared earlier when my car hit the post, I thought that was the end, everything happened so fast Like my life was displayed right in front of me." she stated while her hands were trembling.

Kit's gaze softened as he hold MingKwan's mom hands "Don't worry, you're safe and everything is going to be fine. Accidents happened but let's just be thankful you are alive and safe." he replied

"I was so scared I won't be able to see Mingkwan and tell him how sorry I am.." Mrs. Daichepanya uttered while crying

Kit nod his head as he pats the hand he was holding. He can now understand how a parents love can surpass everything, even if you don't like the decision of your children, you will still love them no matter what.

"I am sure Mingkwan understands. He might not say it out loud but he misses you." Kit answered. He's not making up stories for he knows how Mingkwan might have felt despite the misunderstanding with his mother - he's still waiting for the day she will accept him and Kit's relationship.

Mrs. Daichepanya didn't say anything as she cried silently while holding Kit's hands.

"Can I treat your wounds? I need to make sure that you are okay and that you don't have any other injuries. Will you trust me?" Kit asks while looking at Mingkwan's Mother.

Mrs.Daichepanya stared at Kit's face before slowly nodding her head. Kit smiled as he stood up and led Mingkwan's mother on one of the cubicle so he can treat her properly.

"are you sure you didn't bump your head or something?" Kit asks while he wrap her wrist using a small bandage - she might have a little sprain from the sudden impact.

Mrs.Daichepanya shrug her shoulders "I am not really sure but I don't feel anything bad aside from my wrist." she replied

Kit checks on her forehead and face to see any possible head injury but she looks okay other than the bruises she obtained from the accident.

"Okay, but I will need to admit you for a day so I can be sure that you're really fine. If you find yourself being nauseous, dizzy or your head is suddenly in pain you need to tell us immediately and don't put pressure to your wrist." Kit instructed as he filled out the form for her and have her sign it

Mrs. Daichepanya nods her head as she listened to Kit's instruction. Is this how his Father in law felt while being treated by kit before? she look up and saw how exhausted he was but despite that he was professional

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz