Being Me

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I couldn't sleep.
I tried doing so for the last few hours but still I was not able to do so. Despite the fatigue from the long travel, I was still wide awake.

I glance at my left side and saw Mingkwan sleeping soundly while snuggled closely to me. He looks exhausted that I didn't have the heart to wake him up. I let out a deep sigh as I check my phone- Time shows 4 in the morning.

I slowly get off the bed afraid that I might wake him up. I look around and decided to take a breather and left the room.

The whole mansion is quiet when I left my room, some of the helpers were already up preparing and cleaning some areas of the house. I took the other route going to the balcony area in hopes that I will not meet any of them.

The chilly weather only made my mood worse than what I am feeling right now. I thought that this visit will be better but I guess not. I sit on one of the couch as I stared outside the massive garden area.

I remembered the last conversation with my father before I left him alone.

"That person you are with right know, what was his name again, Mingkwan? He's not just your friend, isn't it?" my father asks while looking at me

My eyes widened, how did he knew what I was up to? is it my brother?

"What do you mean?" I asks trying to change the topic

My father sighed as he leaned on his office chair "Stop playing pretend Kit, some people saw you together multiple times. I may not be in Bangkok but I have eyes and people who works for me. I know what you are up to and I'm telling you that I don't like it." he uttered

"Did you heard it from P'Kieng?" I asks. I should have expected this conversation to happen one of this days, not just during his birthday

My father clenched his fist as he leaned on the table "your brother does not have anything to do with this, and if he also knew and didn't tell me, I will talk to him about this. But what I need you to do right now is to stop this foolishness! you already made me lose my trust when you broke up with Angel and now finding out that you---" he stop

I chuckled as I stared at my father's furious face "That I am what Dad? Gay? why can't you say it yourself?" I asks, I can feel my tears about to burst out but I will not break down infront of him- never

"If this is how you rebel against me, I am telling you to stop this right now!" he shouted

"and what If I didn't? will you threaten to kick me out again and disown me like what you did before? then why bother with my life if you will just make me feel this way? I am your son dad, not some expensive trophy you can flash around." I shouted back. I knew people from the outside can hear us but I didn't care

My father stood up and glares at me "You know what? if you will not listen to me and continue on with this foolishness then I'd rather have you step out from my house. don't expect me to concede with your stupidity." he replied

"Don't worry dad, I will leave this house fies thing tomorrow morning, you don't have to tell me twice." I replied before shutting the door close and saw my sister standing outside.

She opened her arms while looking at me with her smiling face. I hesitated afraid that she might have heard the argument between me and our father "Come here Nong, I won't judge you for being honest." she uttered while I can only succumb to the warmest embrace a family member could offer.

"I'm sorry I can't be the person he wants me to be. I've tried to stop this from getting any further but my heart says otherwise." I replied

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now