I miss you

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Its been a week without Mingkwan's presence. He still refused to talk to me despite the countless messages that I've sent thru Line.  I know that he has seen my messages but didn't replied to any of it.

I let out a deep sigh as I reviewed the patient's chart infront of me. After the cold war with Mingkwan a week ago, I rarely go home because of long hospital work hours, second my brother is lurking around and Third, I won't stop thinking about Ming if I stay home alone. I don't know how or when did it started but I am starting to get attached to him that I want to see him every seconds of the day- Does that mean I am falling in Love with him? or Am I only craving for attention?

Being with him almost everyday change my whole routine schedule and I learned to swallow my pride and reach out to him first but the kid won't even let me in. He still refused to talk to me.

How will I tell him, that the person who almost kidnap me is my older brother who cares for me like I'm his own son and a prominent Leader of the Underground world? Should I also add that my brother does not want me to go gay over him?

I shake my head as I can feel the exhaustion from physical and emotional stress that I've been through this whole week. I am glad to finally get atleast 3-4 hours of sleep everyday, not much but enough to survive the day.

"Hey, Ai'Kit" Phana greeted when he passed by the emergency room. He is now assigned to a surgical ward after being exposed in ICU and here I am still stuck within ER because the chief loves me a lot - he loves to order me around

"Oh, Ai'Pha, what are you doing here?" I asked while looking at his exhausted expression. He still smile despite being tired unlike me who keeps on huffing and sighing.

Phana leaned on the counter side and sigh "What's up with you? I heard from the senior doctors that you've been here for a week now and you rarely go home. As much as I love your dedication for work, let me remind you that you also need to rest. remember the last time that you work so hard you ended up getting sick." He uttered while looking at me

"Did you come here just to scold me?" I asked while pouting, I've had too much on my plate already and the last thing I need is my friends nagging at me.

Phana let out a deep breath "Kitty, we've been friends for so long that I know what's on your mind. Did you have an argument with Mingkwan again? and I think I saw your brother outside for 3 consecutive days now. What's going on?" He asks

I look around to see if I can spare sometime to talk with Phana since the ER is not so busy, I called the attention of the nurse to tell her that I am stepping out for a break and she agreed.

"The reason behind all of this is my Brother." I started talking the moment we reach the rooftop. I let out a deep sigh as I sit on the bench

Phana frowned but did not say anything as he listened to my story. "I don't know how he found out about me and Mingkwan and now he's threatening me that he'll tell my parents about it If I don't stop. He thinks I am just playing around." I uttered

"Does Mingkwan knows about this?" Phana asks

I shake my head and leaned on my seat "This is the exact reason why we haven't talked for a week now, He saw me and my brother at the mall and declared he owns me in front of my brother's face. Now my brother is upset and warned mingkwan to stop. He asks me who he was and I couldn't even tell Ming" I replied

"Then why don't you let him know?" Phana asks

I look at my hands and sighed "I am scared that if he knows about it he might do something drastic and ended up getting hurt. You know how my brother reacts and I can't control him." I answered

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now