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Kit reported back to work the next day only to find out about his new role in the hospital. He was busy checking on a patient when he was called by the Head of the Emergency Department

"Dr.Intochar, you might be wondering why I called you here at this hour but I need to tell an exciting news to you." the department head stated.

Kit couldn't help but frown while he listened to the ER Chief blabber nonstop until he get to the main point of this discussion

"It wasn't new to all of us that you wanted to focus on one specialty and that you've been working really hard in this department. I would like to keep you to myself but I think the other department will need you more than us. Dr. Lee is more than willing to take you in the Pediatrics so you can focus on your field of interest- Thoracic and Cardiology." The ER chief stated

Kit's eyes widened in shock, ever since he decided to join the bandwagon of Phana in this medical field, nothing keeps him interested until he realizes he wanted to pursue a specialty in Pediatrics especially when he saw babies/ Kids suffering from diseases related to the heart.

"Are you sure Dr. Sutthapong? I mean I am just about to enter my 4th year in College and this department requires special skill. I don't think I am capable yet." Kit replied as he fidget with his coat

The ER doctor smiled as he pats Kit's shoulders "Kit, I've always told you that you wouldn't know how capable you are, not until you tried it. I know you will shine there just like how you've always been here in ER." He stated

"Well, thank you Sir for taking care of me while I am here. I will take all the things I've learned to be a better doctor." Kit replied while smiling.

Compared to the ER Deparment, The Department of Pediatric is not as busy as it is the ER. Kit didn't had a hard time adjusting since the doctors in the department already knew him when he assisted them during emergency cases related to kids. As always, he is the youngest one.

"Dr. Intochar, just let us know if you need anything. We'll be happy to help." The nurses stated when the Department Head introduces him to the team.

Kit bowed his head as he smiled at everyone who smiled back at him in return. He was asked to change to a more Kid-friendly scrub suit so as not to scare the kids who hates doctors in white coat.

He decided to check on some of the cases that the doctors have compiled for research and found some amazing things he never seen before. Indeed a Human body is full of surprises. He was busy reading the 4th chart when he heard his name being called in the intercom.

"Dr. Intochar, please proceed to the ER department. STAT"

Kit closes the chart and returned it back to the cabinet. He grab his coat and stethoscope before rushing his way to the ER. He saw the Senior Doctor from his department checking on an unconscious kid.

"Time to get into action Dr. Kit." The doctor said as he ask Kit to come closer. Kit check on the kid who was lying on the bed - He look pale and lifeless.

"I need echo and the IVs" The doctor stated as they rushed to check on the Kids body.

The senior doctor glance at Kit who was busy checking the kids vitals and IV infusion - He can't help but be amaze on how Kit is an auto-pilot when it comes to emergency cases, he was clearly trained in ER.

"Low blood pressure, Respiratory rate and Temperature. Echo is ready doc." Kit stated as he look at the senior doctor holding the machine in place. The doctor nod his head as he took the device and check on the kids chest area. Everyone was waiting for his next order.

Catch me I'm fallin' for you... [MingKit Story - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now