Twenty Eight

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"Sebastian! Where are you going!"  Alisha yelled after him. "I want to play with you mommy!"  She chased him while she held the wound on her neck. She wasn't healing because it was a wolf bite. Her vampire healing won't be kicking in and she has seen what happens to vampires that are bitten by werewolves. This is happening too fast and she had a feeling his wolf venom was spreading faster because she was running. At this rate, by the time she caught him, she'd be dead and then where would she be? But she didn't care. She had to stop him. She knew the only way to heal was to drink his blood more than likely. Since he is the first of his kind. Like Klaus, he was the first of his kind, and his blood was what healed a vampire from a werewolf bite, but would it heal her from Sebastians?

She began to slow down. Unable to keep going.
"Sebastian, please stop! I can't chase you right now." She began to slow down even more, until she lost her footing, and knelt down. Grabbing at the ground. The pain in her neck was worse, and she had shooting pains through most of her body. More pain than anything she had ever felt. She tried to get back up, and as she began to stand she collapsed back to the ground where she latched onto the grass, and pulled it up in patches in her hand as she continued to get up. But each time she fell back down.
"Sebastian! Sebastian! Where are you!" She had finally pulled the energy to yell for him out of nowhere. Then, after using the last of her breath, she felt as though she would be dead at any moment. "Sebastian, I love you." She whispered as she collapsed again to the ground. Completely unconscious.

She felt as if she was waking up, but she couldn't open her eyes. Couldn't move her body. She felt weak and anything she could see, was foggy. She could only hear everything around her, and she heard people talking.
"She should be awake now. Why haven't her eyes opened or something?"
That sounded like stefan.
"Its only been a few hours. Give her time."
Oh no, was that Klaus?
"I already gave her my blood, but she hasn't woken up yet, that may be a bad sign. Mine must not work. I need to see Sebastian. I'll need to take his blood."
No! No! Dont you touch my son! Was all she could think. She couldnt do anything!
"Klaus, I don't think Alisha would want that."
My sweet Stefan she thought, since she couldn't protect him, he knew the right thing to do.
"Well, fortunately for her, shes still out. Sleeping. And the only way she is going to wake up is with the blood of that monster that bit her. So if you want to stop me, go ahead and try because I'm furious any of you let him near her! You will all pay for this so come on! Give it your best shot but I swear to you, your hearts will all be gone for I will RIP them from your chests so fast you'll be able to watch everyone you love in the room fall to the floor at the same time! So. Stefan. What's your move?"
Stefan looked over to Alisha, and then back to Klaus. Nodding.
"I'm sorry Alisha." And that was the last thing she remembered before everything faded out again.

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now