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Alisha left the area after Klaus took off, looking for Elijah.
Great. Just what we need, is to have to look for more people too.

With Stefan right behind her, and Reign no longer in the stroller but in his arms, they entered the compound.

As soon as she got back, she ran to find Marcel.

When she found him, he was in Davina's room going through her things, but it didn't look like she had found much about anything yet.

"Marcel, could I speak to you for a moment?"

"Of course. Have you seen Davina?"

"No, I've been gone."

He nodded, and followed her.

Alisha walked out to the balcony, and waited for Marcel to come as well.
When he did, she knew what she had to do.

"Is everything alright?"

"Well, that would all depend on your outlook on things. I saw Klaus."

Marcel looked frustrated, but not surprised. He came up to her, and held her hands. Now, he just seemed grateful to see her.

"So, how did that go?"

"Well it wasn't planned so I was a little mad at first, but he wanted to see his daughter. I don't know if he knew we were there, or he just happened to be there."

She wasn't sure if she should mention that Bonnie was in town or not. She wasn't sure how he would react to the fact that another witch was in town.
A witch that he had no hold on.

"He has a plan Marcel. He knows a witch in Mystic Falls, and he has her helping too. I guess the more the merrier."

"I suppose. How did he react to his daughter?"

"He has seen her before, but he was happy to see her."

She stopped for a moment, contemplating whether to tell Marcel about giving Klaus her blood. But in the end, he would probably find out anyways.

"He asked for a vile of my blood, for his witch. So she could help to."

"And you gave it to him? I have Davina here doing that! It wasn't necessary."

"Marcel, it won't hurt to have more help."

"Davina doesn't need the help!"

"Marcel, he is my son. If I want more help, I will take it. Period. So do not raise your voice to me, and think it will ever be ok. Ever."

"You're right, Alisha. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be upset with you. I'm just... I'm only trying to help. Is my help not enough?"

"Of course it is. But it's my son, and I need all the help I can get. So, I'm sorry if that upset you. But I need to find my son."

"I understand. And I'm here, when you need me."

"Thank you Marcel for understanding."

He pulled her in for a hug then, and she hugged him in return.

She was beginning to think he had an ulterior motive for wanting her here. As well as her son, and daughter.

"I'm hungry. Is there anyone around to eat? Or are there only blood bags at the moment?"

"Of course there is someone."

As Marcel walked away to get it, he came back with a thin blond male.
No matter, she wouldn't kill him, she was only hungry, and she had been practicing.

She went over to drink from him, and her phone vibrated.

Ignoring the phone, she concentrated on not killing the man. Sinking her teeth into his neck, she focused on the heart beat. Trying to drink away her thirst.

When she heard something behind her, and hear Marcel yelling. Something about how they shouldn't be in there. The boundary spell must have somehow been breached. She turned around to see a bunch of witches chanting, with Klaus in their lead.

"Klaus! What are you doing?"

"Sorry Luv. But I don't have the patience for your witch and you have another piece to the puzzle I need to get my son back."

His eyes immediately shot to her daughter that was currently in Stefans arms.

"Stefan! Run!"

Stefan turned around and he did. With Reign in his arms, he tried to run, only to find that Stefan was stuck in place. For the first time ever, Stefan looked scared. With Reign still in his arms, Stefan attempted to lunge at Klaus, but still couldn't move. Klaus came up to him to take Reign from him, but Stefan wouldn't let him have her. Stefan bit into Klaus shoulder. Causing Klaus to back off, if only for a moment.

Klaus placed his hand over the hole in his shoulder, and he became angry. As Klaus came back up behind him, Marcel ran at Klaus, knocking him back then Marcel began to grab at his head. Those witches were giving him an aneurysm. His brain was melting. He would be fine, but not til they stopped, or passed out.

Then she felt it. The pain in her head as well.

She grabbed at her head, panting. The pain was unimaginable. Unbearable. Falling to her knees, she cried out and screamed.

Klaus walked over to her, and began to whisper in her ear.

"I am sorry, but I need my son back. And this is the only way. If you try to find me, you will regret it."

And in that moment, all of their necks cracked and all the vampires in the compound fell over.

All except Klaus.

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