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It was soft


Just a gentle tap on her lips.

But she wasn't sure how she felt about him. She enjoyed the kiss. It was definitely different than Klaus. He was always a little rough.

But Marcel...

He had a smile from ear to ear. He clearly enjoyed it, and was happy about it. But how did she feel?

"Well, I suppose we should get going?"

He stroked her cheek, as he turned away and stood up straight.

"Yes. I suppose we should."

As they stood up to go, Stefan came up to Alisha.

"Lish, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Stefan? I didn't know you were there. How long have you been standing there?"

Alisha suddenly looked a little uncomfortable, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Does it matter? Listen..."

Did he sound jealous?

He pulled her further to the side, and whispered to her as Davina came down to talk to Marcel.

Good timing

Stefan thought

"Listen, be careful. I don't know if I fully trust him. Ok? Just... watch yourself."

"Thank you Stefan for caring, but I'll be ok. I'm Queen. Remember?"

"But... is this partnership purely business? Or is it a pleasure thing too? Just... don't put too much of your heart into it. Ok? Please? I don't want you getting hurt. Besides, if you fill your life with him, you won't have time left for me anymore."

He smiled as he said the last part.

"Don't worry Stef, I'll always have time for you."

She kissed his cheek as she walked away, to go on her fun filled evening with Marcel.

He took her down the road. They walked there, because he wanted to tell her the history of the city he watched grow, and helped build from nothing over 200 years ago.

As he pointed to each building, and street sign she was absolutely lost in love with this enchanting city.

Part of her wondered...

What would it be like to walk these streets with Stefan.

But she got rid of that thought right away. That would be weird.


She shook her head, and rid her mind of his face.

For the moment

"... and this, is the French Quarter."

Oh God, has he been talking this entire time?

She started thinking. Focus!!!

They walked around just this area, for hours.

He showed her the paintings, and they met all the artists of the paintings.

There was one artist that did all of his art with spray paint and some cardboard pieces.

Marcel had whispered into his ear, and the man nodded. There was too much commotion and people talking around her, to make out what he had said. Besides, she didn't have time to focus and it was over quickly.

The man grabbed a few different colors, and shook the cans. Pulled out a larger canvas and began to work.

He did all his work on the ground and was very specific as to where he placed each and every spray.

Each drop

Each flick of his wrist, with the cardboard.

Until after a few minutes, you could start to make out a picture.

First there was water, then he made waves, and a moon.
Then crashing waves and what looked like...


Her favorite

"How did you know?"

"Well, for one... the necklace I see you wear as well as some of the paintings you bought for your room. I took a guess that it was your favorite animal. Did I guess right?"

"We'll see."

He laughed as he watched her smile grow bigger with each stroke. Until finally, it was done.

"It will have to sit for a few minutes before you can take it. You can have it as a gift. For the new Queen."

He smiled and bowed as he said it.

"You must be one of Marcel's... I mean, our vampires!"

She said to the man.

"Yes go the vampire part, no to you and Marcel. Respectfully of course. I just come through sometimes to paint. I spend most of my time in Vegas. But occasionally, I make my way here. So, here. My gift to you."

He said as he handed her the painting, wrapped up in a frame and all.

"I'm honored. Thank you sir. I don't believe I got your name?"

"Oh, that's because I didn't give it. I never do. I just go by Vega. It's easier."

"Well then, Vega. Thank you for your kind gift."

He bowed again, and Marcel and Alisha walked off, into the night, and headed back to their place.

"I'd like to show you one more place. If you're up for it?"


She followed him to another part of the Quarter. There was a band and they were playing music.

"May I have this dance, my Queen?"

"Of course, my King."

She smiled and began to giggle. They began with a square dance type mixed with the electric slide. Which she knew, from back in grade school. Caroline had gone through this country music phase a few years back, and the girls just went along for the ride. It was fun while it lasted, but it didn't last long.

The music changed to a techno dance beat, and she picked up the pace to keep up with him, and he grabbed her waist, and began spinning her around in circles, until the music stopped, and she almost fell over from not being prepared for it.

As they stopped, their faces, mere inches from each other. She could feel his breath on her face.

Their eyes met and she felt breathless for a moment.

Then, as she noticed other people dancing quickly to a new beat, she began to feel her heart pull her back a bit.

"I think I should get back to Reign. She should be waking anytime. But I had so much fun. It was amazing. I can't thank you enough. I really needed this."

He smiled, as they turned out of the French Quarter, and headed home.

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now