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"Marcel, they could be anywhere."

Thierry said, as they walked the foggy streets of Mystic Falls. The sun wasn't up yet, but it was up enough to see where you were going.

The street lights were still on, and very few people were out. Busy, on their way to wherever they were going. 
It was quite early, so not many people were awake yet.

"Yes, but we have connections. They are both well known and loved in this town. I'm sure someone will know something. Sniff out the vamps. I'll go get us a room."

Thierry nodded, and headed for the town square. It seemed to be the only place that had people this time of day.

Thierry was walking through the square, when he saw Damon. The vamp that took Alisha. Rushing to dodge behind a corner, hoping he wasn't seen he pulled out his phone to dial Marcel, just as he got part of a text out, he was shoved against a wall, and his phone had been snatched and broken. With bare hands.

Here's to hoping that text went through.

Thierry thought to himself.

Angry hands wrapped around his neck as he was brought up in the air, and slammed again, against the wall.

"I've never seen you in my town before. I'm a firm believer in stranger-danger, and you're no friend of mine. What brings you here? And be quick, or your heart will be over there."

Damon said, as he aimed his look over by the nearby dumpsters.

But Thierry had already predicted this may happen. While using one hand to try to get out of the hold, he had distracted Damon enough to pull the large needle out of his pocket full of vervain.

As large veins began surrounding Damon's big blue eyes, Thierry reached down near Damon's heart, and stabbed him.
But before he could fully inject him, Damon threw Thierry. Causing him to not get the dose. Just as Marcel came around the corner, knocking Damon on his ass, and with the needle still sitting tightly in his chest, Marcel pushed down. Injecting the full needle into Damon's chest, and snapped his neck.

"I got us a room."

Marcel said, as he flung damon over his shoulder.

"Won't people notice you carrying an unconscious body around, and up to a hotel room?"

Marcel stopped to turn around.

"There are a lot of things you need to know about Mystic Falls. First, people here are aware of vampires. And second..." Marcel turned around and continued to walk in the direction of the hotel. "... everyone knows who he is, and no one will care. I did my homework on my way here. This is Damon Salvatore."

"Wait, I know that name."

"He is Stefan's brother. I'd say Damon was the evil brother, but Stefan has had his fair share of evil deeds done as well."

"That explains alot."

They walked into the inn, and sure enough...

No one even cared. Marcel took Damon up the stairs to their room and slammed Damon down on the floor.

Thierry immediately went to the black duffelbag that they brought, and pulled out a rope and a gallon jug of water, then sat Damon up right in a chair. He then went into the bathroom, and closed off the shower drain, and placed the ropes in it and poured the water all over the ropes. Allowing them to soak. Damon would still be out for a little while, so he had time.

After about 20 minutes, a knock sounded at the door.

"Right on time."

Marcel said, as he went to the door and opened it to let in an older lady.

"Please take the ropes out of the tub and tie that man's arms and legs to the chair he is currently sitting in."

She nodded, and did as she was told.

"Do you think this will work?"

"It better."

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now