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Kai walked into what he called his 'throne room', immediately looking around the room. A serious tone overtook his face, concentrating, as though he was counting.

"I seem to be missing some people. Has anyone seen Damon?"

The Vamps and witches around him all put their heads toward the ground.

"He went somewhere lastnight, no one has seen him since."

The young man said, while looking at the ground. Then, after saying so, slowly backed up and stood with the rest of his people.

"Thank you, young witch. Who would like to volunteer to find him? Anyone?"

He scanned the crowd in a fast way, not really expecting anyone to actually volunteer. Then, he finally raised his own hand excitedly in the air.

"I'll do it! I'll do it!"

He laughed and bounced around to the place opposite where he currently was.

"No me! I'll do it! I'll do it!"

He laughed and clapped his hands in a giddy way, with a high pitched girl voice. Then, looked at everyone with anger in his eyes. Scanning the crowd. He closed one eye, and made a gun shape with his pointer finger and thumb. Scanning over the crowd, he begins to hum the Jeopardy tune. Then he began making gun sounds, as actual bullets flew from his fingers into the skulls of random people around the room. Some were vamps, and would come back. Others were witches, and of course... were human.

As people fell to the ground. Kai began to laugh.

"So much for loyalty. Maybe I should just kill you all, and start over. What do you think?"

Kai spun around and pointed in the direction of a new witch to the 'Kai-Circle'. As he called it.


Kai giggled, and hovered over to her.

"Yes you, silly! I want to know who you think should volunteer. You can pick someone, or I'll send you."

As he said the last part, he grabbed her arm. You could see bright gold moving through her arm to his, as he siphoned her powers to himself.

He closed his eyes, as if feeling euphoric. And let her go, just as she fell to the floor.

"Weak... I will do it myself."

He said as he stormed off.

Entering the next room, he grabbed a map of mystic falls. Cutting his hand, he dropped his blood, and some black powder on the map.
Chanting some words, he holds out his hand to the crowd of people, and mentally pulls a witch to him. Siphoning more power to himself. He began to shake, as blood began to fall from the witches nose, and ears.

Suddenly, his blood mixes with the powder and begins to move, and Kai drops the witch to the ground. As he looks at the map, he watches as the blood and powder stop moving, right where he knew Damon to be.

He started walking over to the door, stepping over the now dead witch. Yelling behind him "someone clean that up. I'll be back soon."

"Thierry, call up Davina and ask her if she has found anything yet. I need her to work faster. We may not have much time."

As Thierry went into the other room, Damon began to wake up. He began screaming in pain, realizing the ropes had been soaked in vervain.

Damon began laughing.
Marcel looked over to him. Curiously.

"Last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid."

"I didn't ask you to talk yet."

"I didn't ask to be tied up. Not today anyways, but some people like it kinky."

"There is something seriously wrong with you."

"Marcel." Thierry spoke, as he came back into the room.
"I spoke with Davina. She has done a few things and found out alot. First off, she knows where the babies are, and second... she has found Klaus as well. And you're not going to like what I have to say."

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now