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"Alisha? Stefan? What the hell happened when I was gone! This house is a mess! Matt is going to kill us. You better help me..."

And then she actually looked at them.

"Oh... OH!"

That's when she noticed that Alisha wasn't wearing any pants. The skirt she was wearing before was gone, and Stefan shirt was...

"Stefan... what happened to your shirt?"

Stefan got up, and began looking for it.


Elena handed him a bag, that had new clothes in it.

"God you guys, it smells like sex in here! Good thing Matt doesn't have the senses I do. He'd be pissed. Now, please clean up your mess?"

Stefan and Alisha looked each other, and as Elena left the room, they ran to each other, for one more kiss. Who knew when they'd get another chance.

"Alisha... I..."

"Stefan? Alisha? Are you guys dressed yet?"

Elena yelled from the other room.


"Stefan. Later. Ok?"

And the smile she gave him, meant so much more than the world to him. If he died now, he could honestly say he'd never been happier. Not in his heart.

"Yes, Elena. We are dressed."

And Elena came in with a broom and dust pan.

"Damn you guys sure know how to throw a party."

Elena just nodded her head as she continued to clean. Complaining the whole time she went.

As usual

Stefan and Alisha just giggled.

Elena did start to feel jealous. She didn't get to see the playful side of Stefan. And her boyfriend was currently under a spell by Kai.

Soon, Matt got home and was tired from working. He managed the grill, and was a Mystic Falls Deputy. Full time.

"Stefan, Alisha, follow me and I'll show you to your rooms. Elena, are you staying tonight too?"

"No, I have somewhere I need to be. I'll come back in the morning."

She went over to Alisha and hugged her.

"Be careful. I know about your deal with Marcel. Don't get yourself caught doing something you shouldn't be. Please, if this is what you truly want, then I suggest telling Marcel the truth."

She walked over to Stefan and hugged him as well.

"I'm glad you're happy, just... be careful. You're playing with fire here."

"Elena, what Marcel and I have is nothing more than a business transaction. That's all. There's nothing to worry about."

"Keep telling yourself that. I'll see you two in the morning. In the mean time, behave."

And Elena left.

"You guys can have these two rooms. They face each other so, you'll be close."

He took them to two rooms up stairs, at the end of the hall.

"And no other vampires have been invited in. So, you'll be safe."

He said goodnight, and left to go downstairs to his room, but before he left, he said something. To clear the air.

"You should know, if you don't already... I hate vampires. All the way to my core. But... Alisha is, and has always been like a sister to me. And that, is the only reason you two are here right now."

"Noted. Thank you so much Matt. You really are my life saver."

Alisha said, as Matt left. Alisha stood in the hallway with Stefan, rocking back and forth on his heels, like he does when we gets nervous, or doesn't know what to say. So Alisha spoke first.

"Well, good night, I guess."

"Yes, good night... my Queen."
And she blushed.

He came up to her, and bowed, then kissed her hand. She blushed again. As Stefan began walking away, toward his door, he turned back for a moment.


"Yes Stefan?"

And when he smiled at her, she smiled back. She ran across the hallway, into his room. Closing the door behind her.

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now