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"This place is very nice Marcel. If we ever come down here to visit, we need to stay in this house."
"Eh, it's ok."

Marcel said to Thierry as they waited for Alisha to come out.

"Hello Marcel."

She ran up to him and hugged him. Knowing he came all the way here to save her. She couldn't just shake his hand.

"Did you bring Damon?"

"Ya. He's in the trunk. He kept getting mouthy."


Alisha ran to the popped open trunk to get out Damon, Just as Elena ran outside.

She took off toward Damon, as Alisha helped him out of the trunk.

As Elena ran into his arms, Damon was equally grateful to see her. But not Alisha. He was still under a spell to keep her in the caves.

"Damn it Alisha! Why do you have to be here! Now I have to take you back."

Alisha jumped back, as Marcel got in front of her and well as Stefan. Who had just ran out of the house.

"Damon. You know Kai is the bad guy here. Right?"

"Of course I do. Doesn't change my orders. They have been seered in my brain. Literally. If you don't want me to take her, then she needs to get away from me. I have no control over it."

Stefan looked over to Alisha with sadness.

"Alisha." Marcel said.  "I need to get you home."

"There will be a slight problem with that. I'm pretty sure Sebastian is here. And if he is, then Klaus and Reign aren't far behind. I can't leave now."

"I need to keep you safe, and you staying here, no matter what the reason is, does not matter."

"All due respect Marcel, I am staying to find my son. You can stay and help if you want, but if you wont help me, then I suggest going home."

"Wow! That sounds like Queen talk. Doesn't that sound like Queen attitude, Thierry?"

Marcel said, turning to look at Thierry with a giant smile from ear to ear.

"Ya. Whatever. Should we give her a parade?"

Thierry said, with attitude.

Marcel shook his finger at him.

Tsk tsk

Marcel made  noises at him.

"Now Thierry, don't make me plant a new head in my garden. She is your Queen, and you will respect her as such."

Just as he said that, everyone turned to the road, just as another car pulled up. An older car, but in mint condition. As the door opens, the last person that Alisha expected to see, stepped out of the car.

With an Armani suit, and shiny loafers, Elijah stepped toward them, while straightening his tie.

Coming to stand in front of Alisha, he smiles and places his hand in his pants pocket.

"I am sorry to interrupt your squabbling. Bickering. Whatever. But she and I have business to attend."

As quickly as he appeared, he vamp sped out of there. Only, taking Alisha with him.

"You and I have matters to discuss." Elijah began.

Alisha opened her mouth to say something, but was quickly shushed by Elijah placing his finger over her lips.

"Now, I have a slight irritation. My brother has taken his human child, to use to save his non-human child. He has discovered from a prophecy, that your daughter too, will have powers as well, when the two children are together. Now, I don't know how truthful his source is, but it's enough for him to believe. Now, I can not allow this to happen. Whatever it is. If he is planning some type of exchange, then all manner of saving him will be lost. It will show me that he is indeed lost to me. I can't have that. There is still good in him. I saw it when he was with you. Now, I know where he is, I do not however know where Sebastian is. But... you're going to help me Alisha."

"But I don't know where Sebastian is!"

"You don't need to. The man that has Sebastian... his most prized possession at the moment, is currently in the arms of your sister. For some reason he has attached himself to Damon. And Damon, will be out guide to getting to this Kai, or whatever his name is."

"Damon wants to take me back to Kai."

"Precisely. And I need you to let him."

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now