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When Alisha finally woke up, she seemed to be the last one to awaken. Marcel was pacing, and Stefan was sitting beside her. His shirt had blood all over it, and she remembered how he defended Reign. But he looked broken.

"I'm sorry Alisha. I tried to keep her in my arms but I wasn't strong enough. It was Klaus, and he came prepared."

Stefan looked like he was going to cry.

"Alisha. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

And as he fell into her lap, they cried. And they just held each other.

"Stefan, Alisha. We will find her."

It was Marcel, and he looked furious.

"Some of those were witches from the quarter. Some, I have never seen before. But I will have Davina looking into this. As soon as she gets here. I just spoke with her. She should be here soon. We were very lucky she wasn't here when that happened. That much power, she never would have made it."

And in that moment, Davina came in. Seeing all of the vampires laying on the ground still getting their bearings. Some of them were new and other than their original death, had never experienced death.

They were whiney little babies, she thought. While she was suddenly filled with anger.

Standing up to go and see Davina.

"I'm sorry! Alisha, I didn't know this was going to happen, or is have stayed."

"Davina, where were you?"

"I was out. With someone."

She looked surprised, but then suddenly, it hit her.

"I was with Kol. He must have known this was going to happen!"

"You were with Kol? Why were you with Kol?"

Marcel looked very angry, but Alisha could see that Davina truly didn't know this was going to happen.

"Marcel, obviously he knew what was going to happen, and snuck her out of here for a While. Under false pretenses, but still. At least she was safe. I think we should try to focus on the actual issue, and not the fact that she has a boyfriend."

Marcel nodded, and looked over to Davina.

"We can discuss this later. But for now, I need you to do a locator spell"

"While you do that, I'm going outside to get some fresh air. If you'll all excuse me."

Stefan stood up, to go with her.

"Stefan, I'm fine. I don't need a babysitter."

"I know. Doesn't change anything. I'm going with you."

"Thierry, go with them."

Marcel said, after Stefan and Alisha went outside.

"Make sure nothing happens, and report back to me."

He nodded, and went after them.

Alisha went out front, and leaning against the wall, she took a breath. And another, and another.

"Alisha, we will find her."

Stefan said, as he leaned up against the wall beside her.

He too closed his eyes. Though neither of them expected what happened next.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes for a moment to see someone coming toward them. It looked like...


But before she could say anything else...

He snapped her neck.

"Marcel! Marcel!"

"Thierry! What's wrong? What's going on?"

"They took her. I tried to stop him but I couldn't. He took Alisha and Stefan."

"Do you know who it was?"

"She knew him. She called him, Damon."

"That means she knew him."

Marcel smiled.

"Pack a bag, Thierry. We're going to Mystic Falls."

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now