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Alisha and Stefan walked for hours. Each taking turns pushing the stroller.

Alisha took alot of pictures of Reign and herself, as well as Reign with Stefan. She wanted to make sure Reign had lots of pictures of things she did growing up. And it was an excuse to have more pictures of Stefan. Who knows when he'd be leaving again to chase after Elena or something. She was surprised he hadn't left yet. What was keeping him there? He must just really not want to be around Damon and Elena still.

Thierry- hey boss. They are just talking about the things going on around town. Nothing special.

Thierry had been following them and decided to text Marcel how things were going so far.

Marcel- good. Keep up the good work. Let me know the second things change.

Thierry- you got it boss.

Thierry continued to sneak around, out of sight, but not like he was obviously hiding.

"So, have you talked to Damon lately?"

Alisha asked, while pushing the stroller through the paintings set up on the sidewalk.

"No, but Elena calls alot. I don't answer. She'd just be checking on you anyways. So... how have you been lately?"

Alisha cleared her throat.

"Things have been Good! Ya. Really good. Marcel is really good to us. I'm very grateful to him."

"That's good to hear. I'm glad you're happy."

Stefan came up to her and gave her a hug.

She was grateful for that hug. She hadn't had a hug from anyone in a long time, and other than hugging her daughter, she hadn't really had much contact with anyone either.

Except that kiss with Marcel.

"So, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"

Stefan backed up as he spoke.

"Oh, um..."

Alisha began to bite her bottom lip.

"I'd have to check to see if Marcel has any plans for us for this evening. You know... King and Queen things. I'll let you know."

He smiled and nodded, and they decided it had been a pretty eventful day, and they headed back to the house.

With Thierry behind them, texting Marcel all the way back.

As they were heading home, she heard a noise from behind her. Like a whisper.


As she turned around, she asked Stefan to watch Reign for a moment.
She walked around to the other side of the trees, and there stood the last person she wanted to see at the moment.

"Well, you two look cozy. Will I be invited to the wedding?"

"Klaus, shut up."

"I'm sorry, Luv. Do I detect a hint of anger?"


"Alright, alright. I have Bonnie in town, she's been helping me do location spells but nothing seems to be working, and Marcel has the compound sealed from me so I can't come see you. Or our daughter. I may have a way to find our son. But I will need your blood."

"Klaus, we have a witch working on it too."

"I know. Marcel came by my place a few days ago and got my blood. I haven't heard a thing since then. Now. I need a vile of your blood, it's for our son so would you please just give it to me?"

"Of course. Anything to find my son."

Klaus held open the vile as Alisha bit into her wrist, dripping her blood into the vile.

As she began to walk away, Klaus stopped her.

"Alisha. Can I see my daughter for a moment? Please? I know I don't deserve to but when I took Sebastian, I was trying to help. I never meant for anything that came after."

He came closer to her, touching her shoulder.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you turned, or when you needed me, and I know things between us are different now. I can sense you don't love me anymore. You're different. But please. If only for a moment."

She stood there for a moment. Facing him still. Contemplating her next move. Does he actually care? Is there some alterior motive?

"Ok Klaus, but only for a moment."

Klaus smiled, and followed her from the trees to over where Stefan was with Reign.

Stefan looked worried, but with his vamp hearing, he heard the entire conversation and was already getting Reign out of her stroller for Klaus.

"Ok Klaus. Here. Then you go."

Klaus nodded, as Stefan handed him his daughter. Klaus was at a loss for words, he had only ever held his daughter once, and that was when she was born.

"She looks like you, Alisha. So does Sebastian. He has my blond hair, but your big brown eyes."

He looked into Reigns eyes, and was captivated.
His daughter.
He created this being.
This human.
Something he never thought he would ever be able to do, after becoming what his mother made him.
He was afraid she would see him the same way everyone else did.
A monster.

"Ok Klaus, that's enough. I need to get her back. Let me know if Bonnie finds anything out."

Klaus handed her back to Alisha.

"I will."

"How is Elijah doing by the way? I haven't seen him, since he came here a while ago, looking for you."

"Elijah? I haven't seen him. When did he come here, Alisha?"

"He left for New Orleans before I did. Weeks before as a matter of fact."

Klaus pulled out his phone, and called Elijah. Over and over, and he never answered his phone.

"That's not good. Why didn't you tell me before!"

"Klaus, I'm not his babysitter and I didn't think to ask."

"No. Whatever took Sebastian must have him too. But why?"

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now