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It was still early when Elena arrived at Matt's.

Knocking on the door, rapidly. When no one answered Elena opened the door and ran inside.

"Stefan! Alisha!" Elena yelled, while running up the stairs looking for Alisha.

Alisha jumped out of bed, and rushed to get dressed. While shaking Stefan awake.

"Stefan, Elena is here and she's yelling about something. We need to get dressed and get down there."

Stefan nodded and grabbed her face for a quick kiss.

Throwing on her shoes, she shuffled her way to the bedroom door, and ran out into the hallway, just in time to run into Elena.

"Elena, what's wrong?"

"Marcel has Damon. And we need to talk."

Elena, Alisha and Stefan went downstairs to sit at the table. As Elena clasped her hands together on the table, and looked down at her hands. Stefan grabbed Alisha's hand, and held it tightly.

Closing her eyes, Elena took a deep breath, and began.

"Kai came from a world where he was locked away. They locked him away because of how dangerous he was. Well, due to the other side disappearing, somehow he was able to get over here, to this side, and since that has happened, he has been collecting witches. He spelled Damon to do his dirty work, but the spell didn't work completely. He still loves me, and we have been sneaking to be together almost every night. But, this morning when he left, he was caught by Marcel. I'm afraid because I have heard alot about Marcel and I know he was raised by Klaus. I'm afraid of what they will do to him. Alisha, can you go and get him? Marcel wont hurt you."

"Wait, Marcel is here? In Mystic Falls?"

Alisha was suddenly worried. If Marcel was here, he could find out about her and Stefan. And even though she kept telling herself, and everyone that it was simply a business transaction, she felt that maybe it wasn't like that for Marcel. Not completely.

Marcel may not like her like that, but he does expect respect and loyalty.
She needed to tell him the truth. But how? He has Damon, and what if he got mad and decided to kill him?

She needed to get her shit together. Right now. She may not be in New Orleans, but she's still Queen of New Orleans. She's still his queen, and he will listen to her.

Won't he?

Alisha closed her eyes and decided it was time. Getting her bearings, she knew what she needed to do.

"I need to make a call."

She said, as she walked into the other room for privacy, even though they were also vampires, she still wanted to be alone for this call.

As she dialed, she kept telling herself that everything would be ok.

He answered on the first ring.

"Alisha? Oh my God, where are you?"

"I'm fine Marcel, I'm at a friends. It's a long story, and I'll explain when I see you, but for now, I'll give you an address to meet me at. Can you do that?"

"Ok, I'll be there soon."

"Oh, and Marcel, bring Damon with you. Alive."

She said just before she hung up.

Alisha walked into the living room, and asked if she could speak with Stefan alone, and Elena kindly obliged.

"So, I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. I wasn't expecting anything that's happened with us to ever happen. I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

Stefan walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Its ok. If all we got, was what we had I understand. It's fine."

Alisha looked up at him.
Tears streaming down her face.

"No, Stefan. It's not. I want to be with you. Not Marcel. I never did. I wanted revenge on Klaus for what he did. But now, I... I... I don't know what I want. But there is one thing I do know."

She said as she cupped his face with her hands.

"I know I want you."

As she looked into his eyes with longing, he looked into her eyes equally. Knowing they both wanted the same thing. Unable to stop himself, Stefan claimed her lips with his own. Like a force of nature he gave into his heart and felt more for her than he should have. After everything he had done to her, she still wanted to be with him. He didn't know what he would do without her now. He wanted to be near her, as long as he could and he never wanted to let her out of his sight again.

Releasing her from the kiss, she stood still. Eyes closed. Savoring the remnants of the kiss. The emotions that tied themselves to it. She wanted that forever, and knew that she didn't want that with Marcel. She needed to tell him. And she will.


Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now