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Alisha and Elijah weren't gone for more than a few minutes, but when they returned, they were greeted with an angry Marcel, and a worried Stefan and Elena.

"Alisha!" Stefan said as he ran up to hug his friend. Marcel eyed them curiously. But not thinking anything of it, he ignored it and went up to her. Pulling her aside.

"Alisha, what was that about?"

"Just Klaus talk. You know Elijah. Always worried about the eternal soul of his dear brother."
She lied, that wasn't the only thing he said. In fact, it was the least of her worries.

"So, then you are done here?"
"Marcel, I told you I'm not leaving without my children. I thought I made that clear."
"You did. But I'm not leaving without you, and I already have people working on this."

Alisha looked back and forth between Elijah and Marcel. Getting frustrated at the situation. How was she going to get out of this! She was about to have a mental breakdown. If she wasn't so strong, she would. But she knew better. So, she closed her eyes and used her brain. She was a smart girl. She could figure this out on her own. Taking a deep breath, and remembering her saying just breathe, she had made a decision.

"Fine. But I need to talk to Stefan and Damon before I go." She also nodded to Elijah as well.
"Ok. Say your goodbyes."

Alisha gave Marcel a fake smile, as she walked away.
"Stefan, Damon. Would you follow me please?"

They did as she asked, and they followed her around to the other side of the house.

"Damon, stay right here please, I'll let you take me. But I need a moment with Stefan."  Damon nodded.

"You'll what!" Stefan's eyes shot open. "What? Why!"

"Shh! I can't have Marcel taking me back. And I need my son. I have to be there. Elijah thinks Klaus will try to use Reign to get Sebastian back. Whether it's his actual plan or not, I don't care. Either way, if Sebastian is there, I need to be there too. He is my son."

"But Alisha!"

"No but's Stefan. I know what I'm doing. Klaus usually knows what he is doing as well, and whatever his plan is, it almost always works. I just have no way to judge his sanity right now and I don't have the time. I need to figure this out, and this will buy me the time."
Stefan nodded.

"Do what you have to do Alisha. I will be here. Please please be careful and I really hope you know what you're doing. One of my greatest mistakes was just letting Elena make her own decisions and they got her killed. I hope you know better."
"With all due respect Stefan, I'm nothing like my sister. Please remember that. Always remember that."

They looked into each others eyes and there was an understanding. He grabbed her hand, and just nodded.

She looked over to Damon, and as soon as she let go of Stefan's hand, she was gone.

"I'm sorry Alisha."
Damon said, as they ran as fast as they could. Hoping Marcel didn't know what she was doing yet. She couldn't take him. He was much older and she wasn't as trained as he was.

When they arrived at the Salvatore's, newly named Kai's Wonder Emporium, Damon grabbed Alisha roughly by the wrists and took her back inside. But when they got inside, Kai wasn't there.

"You there." Damon spoke to the man standing next to the throne that Kai had built.
"Where did the all mighty Kai run off to?"

"Damon! He did a locator spell, and then ran off to find you!"

Damon looked over to Alisha with fear in his eyes. Knowing where he went.

"No, Elena!"

Marcel stood still, out front of Matt's house, still waiting for Alisha to come back out front, but when Stefan came back alone, Marcel about lost his shit.
"Where is she?"

"Gone. She left with Damon to go back to Kai."
"Why would she do that? Why would she lie to me?"
"Well, she didn't have much of a choice! You were making her go back!"

"I have my reasons!"
Marcel yelled, as he got in Stefan's face.

"People, people. All of this can be easily figured out. Now. Who knows where my favorite evil vamp is now?"

Kai said, as he stepped out of the shadows, and behind Elena.
Since they were twins, he didn't know the difference.

Not at first. He had never actually had the chance to meet Alisha. Only Elena.

"Sweet, innocent, Elena. Oh wait! You're not innocent anymore. Ha what am I thinking? You're not human! You broke out your sister, and that wasn't very nice."

He had Elena in the air with a flick of his wrist. He mentally held her there.

"Now now. People. All I have to do, is snap my fingers and she is nothing but a pile of ash. So. Who wants to talk first?"

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now