Twenty Seven

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Stefan had caught her off guard saying that to her. She wasn't expecting him to say that. Not ever. Slowly, she backed away from him. She didn't know what to say. Did she love him? Of course she did. She always had. But was right now the best time to declare her love in return? She wasn't sure. But she also wasn't sure what was going to happen with the Marcel situation. She needed to find him, and ask him what all he knew.

"Stefan, I..."
He ran up to be in front of her, shaking his head.
"Alisha, please don't. I know right now its stressful and your emotions are everywhere. I didn't say it so that you'd say it back. I just wanted you to know. That's all. If anything happened and I never told you, I'd never forgive myself. I know how you felt, so just wait. When everything is all over and if you feel the same... say it then."

Alisha just nodded and walked back inside to find Bonnie up, and with all the candles lit again.

"Bonnie? What's going on?"

Bonnie smiled and came over to her. "I know this is important to you. So I'm going to finish the spell. But there is something you should know. Klaus is under the same spell, so when I lift it, he will awaken too."
Alisha nodded in agreement.
"Klaus will probably come looking for Sebastian. But then he can tell me where Reign is too!"
She smiled and hugged her friend. Knowing how hard this was on Bonnie and how much strain it was. It can take alot out of someone.

Alisha and Stefan stood away from Bonnie. As they stood near eachother, Alisha grabbed onto Stefan's hand. Holding it tightly, she closed her eyes and whispered just breathe. Sometimes she just had to remind herself.

Bonnie held her hands above Sebastian, then while chanting she stirred some herbs she had on the side of her. Sprinkling them into a bowl with a few other things, she closed her eyes again and the bowl sparked a small fire in it. As Bonnie spoke the last few words in her chant she opened her eyes to see Sebastian doing the same.

Alisha ran over to her son, and watched as he sat up and looked around.

"Mama?" Sebastian said in a questioning tone.
"Yes my love, it's me." She moved closer to him, and picked him up to hug him, while he sat there in her arms. Not really knowing what to do with himself. Almost like he'd never had a hug before and it broke Alisha's heart.
"Have you never had a hug sweet heart?"

"Yes. Daddy hugs me, but not you. You were gone. Where did you go mommy?"

"I know I've been gone honey, but I'm here now. I've been looking all over for you. Have you seen your sister at all?"
Bonnie and Stefan just looked at him talking. He shouldn't be talking that well yet or be as big as he was but Klaus did say he was growing at an alarming rate. But at this rate he be fully a teenager's size by about 5 or 6 maybe sooner.

"Are you hungry honey?"
"Yes mommy... I am."

Sebastian said to her, as he bit into her. Immediately, Alisha felt sick and weak. She sat him down for a moment, and felt pain through her entire body. She reached up and placed her hand over the place where he bit.
"You taste different mommy."

He realized he hurt her, but instead of caring that she was in pain, she smiled and you could see her fresh blood dripping from his mouth.

Bonnie took a step back as she saw the look on his face.

"That look!" Suddenly Bonnie was full of fear and Stefan ran to Alisha's side. Holding her, assuring her that they would fix it.

"Alisha... I..."
Without another word, Sebastian ran off and with Bonnie scared to death of the child becoming the man from her vision, and stefan holding Alisha, the only one that could do anything... Alisha jumped up and ran after her son.

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt