Twenty Five

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"Bonnie! What is wrong with him, I can't wake him up!"

"He's sleeping Rebekah. It's a spell. One that will take time but I already took a vile of his blood. So, you can take him and I will work on the spell from here."

"Wait, you're not coming with us?"

Bonnie shook her head.

"Sorry Rebekah, yours isn't the only emergency going on in this town unfortunately."

"Why you ungrateful little..."

Rebekah lunged for Bonnie, but she used her magic to keep Rebekah in place, and when she did that, Rebekah felt sharp pains to her head. Piercing her mind. Like thousands of tiny pin pricks or needles, and it was causing a massive hemorrhage in her brain.

An aneurysm.

"I'm sorry Rebekah, but I have to go. Just take your brother somewhere safe. He will be awake soon. And also... don't you ever think you can threaten me. The next time I do that, it will hurt alot worse. Your brain isn't the only thing I can melt."

With that being said, she snapped her neck.
Bonnie shook her head and ran off in the other direction. Toward Matt's house.

She ran upon the porch, and swung open the door so fast that everyone thought a vampire sped inside.

"Bonnie! What's wrong?"
Alisha rushed to a hunched over Bonnie, while she tried to catch her breath.

"Rebekah. I had to snap her neck and run. But it's fine now. So, let's get down to business. Where is Sebastian?"

Alisha and Stefan began walking to the library. It used to be Tyler's dads office, but none of them are alive anymore except Tyler and he rarely comes by.

Sebastian was over on the couch, surrounded by pillows.

"Ok Alisha. I'll need some candles and a place to put my books."

Alisha moved the desk closer to Bonnie as Stefan began bringing in candles. With one snap of Bonnie's fingers all the candles were lit. She read a few pages over in her book, and walked over to Sebastian. Placing one hand in water, then on his forehead and the other on his abdomen she began chanting. In her mind she began to see flashes of a smoke, then a child. A teenager to be exact, that looked like Klaus, but had Alisha's brown hair, and it was curly. He was covered in blood and his teeth were showing. Behind him, was the city of New Orleans. Burning and ash was in the air all around them. Looking around her, the vision changed. She was still by Sebastian, but it looked like New York, then again in Hollywood and the Hollywood sign burst into flames, landing them by the clock tower where he was born. Right in the middle of Mystic Falls.

He was the bringer of death. More powerful than even his father, with witch powers no one could match.
Suddenly her body was burning. Bonnie began to try to back away but she was stuck by him. Stuck in this vision. Until the teenage Sebastian looked right into her eyes, and smiled. Teeth bared and blood dripping down his chin. His eyes were golden and as he moved closer to her, her body began to get much hotter. The burning was getting worse, and she began to scream. Watching him laugh, she felt pulling from behind her. Her bones began to feel as though they could snap at any moment and as she began to pull away from him, he grabbed her arm with a fiery grasp letting out a laugh as she slipped away from him and back into reality.

As she fell to the ground, she was still trying to get her bearings. She began to scoot back fast until she hit a bookshelf and stopped. She tried to control her breathing but it was difficult.
Alisha ran in front of her to see if she was ok, but Bonnie flung her away. Almost hyperventilating. She began to grab at her arm, when she noticed the mark.
She had a hand print. The mark had fingers and a large palm wrapping around her forearm. Melted there.

"Oh my God. Bonnie! What happened to you!"

As Bonnie finally calmed, she looked up to Alisha, and couldn't think of anything else to say.

"It was Sebastian."

Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now