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Marcel decided to make sure the entire night wasn't a complete waste. He compelled the band to stay longer, as he danced with Alisha for a while, and Stefan stayed up as well, dancing with Davina.

"I gotta hand it to you. This place looks amazing!"

She looked around the courtyard at the strands of lights mixed with lace and silk tapestries. Just breath taking. And the moon was out as well.

"Well, you're not too bad yourself. Klaus doesn't act like that with anyone. And I've known him for a long time."

"What exactly happened between you and Klaus? Why do you hate him so much"

"Well, it's a long story, but I don't hate him. I could never hate him, but I do want him to respect me as the King."

As they kept dancing, she placed her head on his chest. Since she was 6 inches shorter than him, it was almost impossible to put her head on his shoulder.

"He left this place in ruins. I built it back up. Made it everything it is today. I am a proud King, with respect from my people. I care about them. And he thinks he can just come back and take it from me? No. I won't let that happen."

"Don't worry Marcel. Neither will I."

She kept her head on his chest, as they continued to dance, just a little while longer.

"What do you think they're talking about?"
Davina asked Stefan while they danced.

"They are talking about Klaus, neither of them want him to take this place. And I know Alisha. She won't let him."

"How did you... oh, right. The hearing thing. I almost forgot you were a vampire. You're not like the other vampires I've met. You're nice."

"Oh, believe me I have had my moments. I don't plan to have anymore, but you never know."

"I'll keep you in check."

Davina giggled.

"Or I'll kill you. Either way."

Stefan smiled, and realized he hadn't thought about Elena all day. That hasn't happened before. No matter what, he would always think about her. Especially if Alisha was around. They were twins after all. But Alisha is different now, and for some reason, no longer reminded him of her sister. Which was great. Maybe he would be able to enjoy his time here after all.

One of Marcel's men, came back, and asked to speak to Marcel alone.

"Hey Josh. What did you find?"

"Well, he isn't running. He's staying in the apartment next to Rousseau's. And we watched him for a bit longer. He isn't going anywhere."

Marcel told Josh, as he smiled.

"Thank you Josh. You've done well."

When the night ended, everyone went to bed, and Marcel walked Alisha to her room.

"I hope you enjoyed your party. Even if it was crashed."

He said as he kissed her hand and let go to walk away.

"Actually, I did. I loved it! Thank you Marcel. For everything."

"By the way, I had my men follow Klaus, and we know where he lives now. He isn't going anywhere. For whatever reason, he want to be here."

"Thank you. For doing that, and for your willingness to protect my daughter and I. It means alot."

She walked over to him, and kissed his cheek.

"Good night Marcel."
"Good night, Alisha."

She walked into her room to find Reign, asleep in her crib. She decided to shower, and dress for bed. It had been a long night.

After getting out of her shower, she changed, and went out to her balcony.

She stared at the stars. Watching them as each was more magnificent than the last. Brighter that the first.
She could see the streets, and the people walking on them. It made her hungry, but Stefan had taught her, not on purpose, but just from watching him over the years, to close her eyes, and try not to think about it. Think about something else.

Then she smelt it.


Fresh blood

Keeping her eyes closed, she concentrated on the heartbeats of the people. They were alive.
Flesh and blood. Not always food.

"Thirsty Luv?"

She didn't even bother to turn around, she already knew who it was.


Heaven In Her Eyes Book 2 (A Vampire Diaries/The Originals fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now