Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (14)

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Back!! It's two thirty! And apparently I cant write unless its this late which is a problem considering I have start sleeping earlier... school and all :S bluaagg.

Well, here you go! part 14! tell me what you think of Brian?! :D is he for real being good? or is it just a cover up? ;)

omg I cant wait till tomorrow to keep writing! trust me I will I'm like I HAVE TO :)

okeyy so night! Next part tomorrow.. hopefully.



Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (14)

I woke up refreshed, as much as possible, quite early the next morning. I snuggled on the bed for a couple more minutes before slipping away of Logan's arm and smiling seeing Brian passed out on the bed on the same position I left him.

I headed to the bathroom to take a quick showed letting the hot water fall on my shoulders. I slipped into some black shorts and a dark purple strapless shirt I had taken from the cleaning lady last night that carried fresh clothes from the laundry. I let my pitch black hair dry naturally and headed outside. I checked Brian's pulse and smiled. I still got some time. His breath was even and his pulse was a little slower than normal.

I went to a little cafeteria next to the motel and got some drinks and croissant for breakfast. I told the lady that my money was back at the hotel and that I'll be right back with it. I seemed nice enough so she let me go.

Unfortunately I didn't have money to pay so I guess I'm not going that in there.

When I got back in the room things were just as I left them. I smiled and placed the things on a little table and banged the door close loudly. Logan jumped about a feet in the air and looked around panicked holding his hands up.

I cracked up laughing holding my sides not to roll on the floor. He was annoyed and glared down at me.

"Come on! it was fun!" I said between gasps of air.

"I'll get back to you." he glared and pointed his index at me before snuggling back in bed.

"Nah ah! Get your lazy ass off the bed!" i said walking to him and snatching the sheets away. "We're leaving."

"What? No!" he whined throwing himself on the bed again.

I smiled and looked down at him. His blue hair was fading and now looked like grey mixed with brown.

"Stop drawling over me." Logan mumbled with a smirk. I couldn't help but smile.

Grasping a strand of his hair I said. "You need a re-dye." he groaned making me chuckled.

"I need a bath." he complained.

"Yes you do!" i smiled happily dragging him by the arm pulling him to the bathroom.

"So we're bathing together..." Logan said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

Iugg, I think I just puked.

Then we heard someone else groaning in the room and we turn to see Brian rubbing his neck. I laughed a little and turned to face a confused Logan. "You have three minutes." I pointed him with my finger shoving him in the bathroom and closing the door. Then I turned smiling to a pained looking Brian. "How was your night, sleepy head?"

He glared at me and sighed. "You...are evil."

"I warned you." I replied shrugging.

He slumped in the bed closing his eyes. "I have to admit it was a great hit."

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