Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (11)

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Sorry for the long wait! ANSWERS!! :D I'm starting to think I should put the X votes for the next upload but for some reason I don't think it'll get me far. I don't ask much: 20 would be much! And If I could get that I'll be one happy girl. :D






Mission: Not Falling In Love With him (11)

I don't remember much of anything by now. The past two days have been a real blur. I was left to starve and without that well, let's say darkness came pretty often. From time to time the door would crack but within seconds it was closet yet again.

I think Brian was just checking if I was dead yet.

But it took more than that to take me down.

The first day here I had spent it loosening the ropes on my hands and I had made a big progress. Though the second day I had managed to free them more but with the lack of food, water, light and the little air I blacked out for breathing too much.

Third day, today, I've managed to stay awake, barely. And I knew if I kept struggling with them I was going to free them.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, presented a problem.

I couldn't see so I didn't know what king of door there was or how to open it. I didn't know where I was inside the house so I had no clue how to get out. I didn't know if there was people outside and if there was I might as well say 'Fine I give up' cause there's no way I can beat anyone. Fourth I had to drag

Logan out too, which meant fighting against all I've pointed twice.

I didn't have enough energy to do that. Not nearly.

But I had made a promise, I would keep Logan safe. And I intended on doing that.

I could feel the ropes loosening even more but before I could finally free them the door swung open with a grinning Brian. I grabbed the ropes tightly as if to make believe they weren't loose.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" he said smiling widely at me.

Gosh! I hated him!

I groaned and looked up at him. "What do you want?"

"I thought you might want some food." He smiled hugely gesturing to some tray on the hallway.

"Oh, how nice! Personal catering!" I hissed sarcastically.

"Now don't be rude or I'll have to turn you down." He said pouting at me. And for once I did as he said because I really needed the food. He smiled pleased and walked back to the food. He motioned something and next thing I knew I heard some kicking and struggling outside.

"I'm doing you a favor so stop complaining." Brian said and in was pushed Logan. My eyes bulged as I saw his appearance. He didn't have much better than I did.

"What have you done to him?!" I yelled and I was tempted to just fee my hand and beat the crap out of Brian but declined realizing that it would help.

"He wasn't being nice." Brian said raising his hands defensively as if that was a reason.

Logan's eye was black and a little swollen. His mouth was all bloody and I just knew that had been done barely minutes ago. There were several bruises on his arm and his shirt was covered in scatters of blood.

"I swear, Brian, when I get my hands on you it'll be the last day of your life." I hissed with so much venom in my voice. The rage, oh gosh, I had never hated someone as much as I hate him right now. He makes me want to just right at his neck and rip his head off. And I don't usually think like that! Ok, I kiss ass, I know how to manage a gun and stuff but I don't do it for the love or the hate of it, I do it 'cause I have to.

Mission: Not Falling In Love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now