Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (7)

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Hi! so I'm on a writing kind of buzz but I needed a break because my butt's sore to be seated :P I will try my best to upload some more later today or tomorrow :D I'll check for mistakes if there is later on for now here you go! chapter 7!

thanks for reading!!~


Mission: Not Falling In Love With Him (7)



"Yes, Logan!" I called from the other side of the motel room's bathroom door with a BIG grin on my face.

"Can you explain-damn-" he trailed while I heard the opening of the curtains. "Why damn it is my hair blue?!" he finished opening the door with rage wrapped only in a towel.

Amanda burst out laughing and I covered my mouth with my hand to keep it together.

"I don't know." I said innocently trying not to laugh.

"Nathalie, I swear, I will strangle you..." he said walking up to me while I backed away.

Some giggles escaped me as I backed away. "I don't know!" I said hysterically laughing.

Oh GOD this was soo damn funny. His face was red with rage and with the blue hair it was just too funny.

He kept on walking towards me and I stumbled falling in the bed. Damn, no more room to run. I bit my lips to hold the laugher but this damn smile would go away.

"What did you put in there?" he said through greeted teeth.

"I didn't-"

"Nathalie, if you think that I am in a playing mood you are dead wrong and you will regret it!" he hissed and I laughed some more.

"I just know it will stay that way for a while." I said finally bursting in laughs as his eyes bulged. Amanda was hysterical on the other side of the room. Logan turned to her and paced madly to her.

"I don't know anything!" she said between laughs keeping her hands up in defense. "Please don't hurt me Blue Man!"

She didn't!

Logan looked between the two of us madly and then stormed back to the bathroom banging the door loudly and leaving the two of us rolling of the floor.

I will never get over that!

"That's for Carrie!" I yelled and then I heard loud cursing and something crashing in the bathroom and I burst in laughs once again.

"You know that when people are mad they like turn red... so if he's that mad would that affect his hair and make it purple!" Amanda said and broke in laughs again.

The cursing didn't stop and neither the laughs.

I told him to take to back and he didn't. His fault.

"Think about it this way, now you can walk down more unnoticeable." I said shrugging.

"I'm blue; explain how can this be unnoticeable." Logan said sourly.

Amanda giggle and Logan shot her one of his death glares and she covered her mouth. "If they walk past us they will never know Logan has turned blue." She said letting out some laughs.

Logan cursed and rolled his eyes at her.

"Beside it is only fair that if we ever get to change out hair for you, you should too."I said.

"And when is that happening, cause' I can't wait to see your hair..." he took a strand of mine and tossed it in my face. "purple and yours green." He finished gesturing to Amanda.

Mission: Not Falling In Love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now