"Do you have some sort of hand obsession or..." He asked Novella who was still messing with his hand.

"No," she dropped what she was doing, "I just like your hands. They're nice."

"How does one have nice hands?" He raised what would've been his brows, causing a crinkle in his forehead.

"Be Victor Zsasz, obviously." She gave him an are you an idiot look before pulling one of his rings off his hand.

"Where'd you get these?" She twisted the object in her hand and slipped it onto her finger. The ring looked like a bunch of silver grapes and just barely fit on her finger. "And why does it look funky?"

"It's because of my job." He didn't make a move to get the item back, but did look at how she seemed mesmerized by it. "I got it from Falcone a few years back."

"So it's a gang ring? That's wild," she said with a stupid grin.

"Sure Novie, it's a gang ring."

"Thought so." She left the ring on her finger, forgetting to place it back on her assassin, and turned her attention to the television. The two watched an old movie-which resulted in the both of them falling asleep in the middle.


Novella woke up on Victor's stomach. The way they had fallen asleep was weirdly comfortable. Him laid out on the couch and her-somehow-on top of him. They'd never slept an entire night together before and she didn't know how he'd react to waking up here.

Her work didn't start for another couple of hours, but his could be at anytime. The fact that she wasn't waking him up purely by being laid out on top of him was surprising, but not as surprising as how comfortable he was. You'd expect someone that was physically fit to be uncomfortable, but he wasn't.

"Do you plan on moving or are you just gonna stay there awhile?" The raspy morning voice pulled Novie to attention. Victor was staring up at her with a questioning look.

"I dunno. You're more comfortable than the couch, I might never move." She laid her head on his chest and offered him a cheeky grin.

"Sure. You do know I have to go at some point? I have a job." He attempted to sit up, but couldn't with the girl on him.

"Yeah, but do you really have to go?" She hugged him as best she could being in their current positions .

"I guess not right now, but-" he was cut off by the quick kiss she laid on his lips.

"You talk a lot about work."

"I love my job. Do you not?" He asked her with a tilted head.

"Eh, it's okay. I'm not big on filing everyday."

"Then do something else," he said with such simplicity like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Maybe." She laid back down on his chest and quickly fell asleep. He followed her actions after looking at her a moment longer.


Victor left an hour before Novella had to in to work, leaving her to get ready. She pulled on her black pants and white and black striped shirt. After a bit of searching, she found the large light brown sweater that completed the look and her matching brown combat boots.

The walk to the GCPD was completely uneventful, or as uneventful as a walk in Gotham could be. The cool city air whipped her hair about her face, causing her to tie the lilac curls back into a messy ponytail. Only then did she realize the dark ring on her middle finger. Victor's ring.

The heavy metallic circle around her middle finger was...awkward. Not awkward like meeting a new person, more like awkward in the way that something shouldn't be somewhere but is, and it's like it was always meant to be there. Novie wasn't one to believe in fate or destiny, but if she did she'd say maybe this was that. One thing she did know, was that this was a piece of Victor and she didn't exactly mind having it encircling her finger.


"Hey Nova." The girl looked up at the mention of her name to see her uncle standing in front of her, "I think we should revisit the issue of well-" the man trailed off and pulled a weird expression, somewhere between a smile and a grimace.

"Well what? Do you mean Victor? Because if you do then I suggest you get used to the idea, seeing as he isn't going anywhere." She folded her arms over her chest in an attempt to look intimidating, but Gordon didn't look even a little bit rattled.

"You need to be careful Novella. He is the most-"

"Dangerous man in Gotham? Yes, I've heard it all before Uncle Jim, but I'm not in any danger. He won't hurt me," she said as she cut her blue eyes into his identical ones.

"I'm not worried about him hurting you." He stopped at the raised eyebrow she gave him. "Alright, maybe I am. But Novie, I'm more worried about what those around him would do to you if they found out."

She blew a large breath out and rubbed at her forehead. The lilac hair slightly fell from it's ponytail and brushed against her eyes. "I can take care of myself. Besides, no one will know."

"No Novie, no one can know, but they'll find out." Jim lowered hi voice before continuing, "Maybe because you're careless enough to parade around with a ring of his on you."

"It was an accident. It's not like anyone else would know it's his. You're just hyper aware." She turned from her uncle and casually said over her shoulder, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work. Some of us actually do our jobs."

She walked away, barely hearing her uncle's next words, "I'm just looking out for you."


No One Can Know || Victor ZsaszTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang