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Dark. That's all that surrounded Novella as she walked into her apartment. The power to her building was cut by some weird accident, so it wasn't too creepy. What was creepy though, was her parents were out of town which made the darkness empty, and empty darkness didn't sit well with her.

Seeing the pale faced man, who she now knew was the notorious Victor Zsasz, at work made her more jumpy than usual. She didn't know why he would let her just walk away like that, but he did. It didn't sit right, she hoped this was all over but something told her it was far from.

Novella decided to let the feeling of unease pass as she lit candles around the apartment and took a bag of cookies from the pantry. Her power would be back in two days meaning she'd once again feel totally safe in Gotham. Anyone could make it two days, or so she thought. If only she had seen the wide eyed Victor staring at her through her window.


"Boss, I need a file." Victor's icy voice called to the Don. He had a plan, get the file get the girl, simple enough.

"What file Victor?" Don Falcone questioned the assassin. Typically Victor didn't ask for things like this, it was always either new girls for his group or a new piece of weaponry.

"A girl. I saw her at the GCPD, she's got purple hair." That was all Victor knew at this point and he hoped it was enough for Falcone.

"That's not much to go on Zsasz. I'll see what I can do though." The man motioned for Victor to leave until called back. Though reluctant, he finally left to wait for the call.

A few hours later Victor was called back to the office and handed a file. A picture of the girl with lilac hair laid on top along with multiple details including her address. Victor Zsasz wasn't one to thank anyone sincerely, but he did offer a small nod in gratitude.

"Victor, what are you planning?" Carmine Falcone asked his best hitman.

"I just need to pay someone a visit." The vague answer didn't satisfy the Don and Victor knew it, but he didn't need anyone knowing of his private activities.


"I know Uncle, don't let anyone in the apartment after dark. I'm not an idiot-" Novella was cut off by a voice on the other end of the phone. Her Uncle Jim had been saying goodnight and then giving her specific safety instructions.

"Okay Jim, goodnight I love you." The girl closed the phone and went up to her room to wash up for bed.

The stressful day had taken a toll on her, causing knots in her back that the shower didn't get out. The warmth she soaked in did calm her nerves though, and the feeling of the washcloth on her face was relaxing in the best way.

Sleep took over as soon as her head hit the pillow and still she didn't notice the light footsteps from down the hall. The man that was just outside of her window had snuck in, but she was to unconscious to hear anything.


Victor watched the girl, who he now knew as Novella, through her window. He saw her get off the phone and walk back in the apartment, that hair swishing behind her in the most alluring way.

At this point he considered not making the move to break in, but he'd hadn't been attracted to a girl in years and he wanted to know if this was a fluke. With that in mind he quietly opened the window and slipped in, hiding the noise of his footsteps with the sound of the girl's shower that eventually went out. He kept moving down the hall and peeled into her room, seeing her fast asleep. He walked toward the bed and looked down at Novella, soft snores escaping her slightly parted lips and her head framed by a halo of lilac.

Victor definitely shouldn't have been here, and he definitely didn't know what he was doing. All he knew was what he wanted, and it was laying on a bed sound asleep.

He needed a new plan, because if he kidnapped her that would never work. The pacing began as he was still thinking, eventually he decided to play it like a normal person. He would bump into her on her way to work and play it cool, maybe she wouldn't run and if she did then it'd be back to plan A.

He took one last look at the sleeping wonder and then hopped out her bedroom window and headed to his own apartment.


Novella walked down the street of Gotham as she did every morning, but today was different. The whole way to her bus stop she felt as though a shadow was following her, as dumb as it sounds she though she had a stalker. The previous night a window had been left open, a window that should have been locked, and now this. It was weird for her.

She was just about to step into view of her bus when a strong arm pulled her into a secluded alley. She struggled against the grip in an attempt to escape, but the arm was too strong. She was finally turned to face the attacker to see a dirty looking man with a knife angled at her throat. A million thoughts raced through her mind and she could feel every inch of skin that this man touched. It was broad daylight and here she was about to be murdered. She struggled against his hold causing the knife to cut her neck and a small trickle of blood to run down and fall onto her black t-shirt.

Footsteps on pavement and the cocking of a gun drew her attention down the alley. The man from the other day, bald and pale, was at the other end of the passage aiming a gun in the direction of her attacker.

"Hands off what isn't yours," the cold voice called out and immediately the man stepped away from Novella. As soon as he was a few feet back Victor shot him causing blood to splatter on Nove.


"Now, next order of buisness," Victor turned to the girl seeing her covered in blood and staring at him with wide eyes. "Do you have any idea how hard you are to catch up to? I mean you walk like you got somewhere to be."

"Maybe I do. Like a job that isn't illegal." The girl's nerve once again took Victor by surprise, "Are you here to kill me  or talk about the weather?"

"Neither actually. Seems as though I saved you, doesn't that warrant a thanks?" Zsasz smiled sarcastically earning him an eye roll.

"Thanks," she huffed and walked past him, brushing his shoulder in the process.

"Not so fast. I'm not here out of the goodness of my heart." He grabbed her elbow a bit gentler than the other man had, "I want dinner with you."

The girl blinked a few times in confusion before shaking her head, "You just tried to kill my uncle and now you wanna go on a date?"

"Jimmy's your uncle?" The sudden revelation took him aback, but given her general personality it wasn't a terrible shock. Also the fact of their undeniably similar features.

"How many guys have you tried to kill?" It was meant as a rhetorical question, but Zsasz didn't note that.

"This week?"

"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question!" She yelled out in frustration, "you shouldn't have tried to kill anybody this week!"

"Well, its what I do. So, is that a no on the date?" He switched gears quick enough to cause whiplash, but she kept up.

"Do I really have a choice in the matter?"

"'Of course, but I don't think you'll like option A." He shrugged as if this really were a discussion of the weather.

"Option A? Was this plan B or something?" Victor noticed her incredulous tone, but didn't really alter his tactic.

"Yes actually. So, I'll pick you up at eight." He began to walk away but called over his shoulder, "Wear something nice, I like high end places."


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