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Novella I'm on my way.

Novie, where are you?

Three missed calls: Idiotic Hyena

Novella looked through the notifications caused by Victor. She had been so caught up in catching up with her friend that she hadn't even noticed her phone buzzing, but he had obviously not missed her not responding.

She had two options at this point, either call him back now and clear the air before seeing him or wait until she got home. She obviously went with the former.

The phone barely even had time to ring before he had picked up. "Novella what happened?"

"Victor don't worry I just didn't notice my phone ringing. I was having tea with a friend." Her voice was light and carefree, totally oblivious to the worrisome state she had put Victor in.

"Don't worry? Novella I thought someone had killed you." At the hint of anger in his voice Novie quickly got rid of any trace of humor in her own.

"Hey babe, calm down okay? I'm absolutely fine and I'm on my way to my apartment right now. If you're still there we can talk about this when I get there." Her voice was soft as she tried to release the tension between them.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit." The phone clicked off and she speed walked the rest of the way to her home.


Once she had gotten into her apartment she and Victor had had it out about how she never answered her phone. It was their first big fight and it scared the hell out of Novella. She had never really been in a fight in any relationship that meant something to her. Sure she'd had a few spats with Jim or Harvey, but they were family and they had to forgive her. This was Victor.

"I just don't understand why you didn't just look at your phone?" Victor questioned her, just barely raising his voice to a yell. Novella had never liked yelling, but that didn't mean she wouldn't raise her voice right back. After all, you've gotta fight fire with fire. Or maybe you're not supposed to, she could never remember the saying.

"Well I don't understand why it matters? I wasn't aware that I had to inform you of my every move every five seconds! Would you like to chip me? That way you wouldn't even have to ask to know where I am!" She was yelling and getting carried away. It was never a good thing for her to get carried away. She'd end up saying things she didn't mean.

"It matters because you could've been hurt! I can't help if I don't know what's going on!" Every word out of Victor's mouth just angered Novie more. It was like he didn't even think she could defend herself.

"Well maybe I don't need your help! Did you ever think of that? Did you ever think that I could take care of myself? Or do you think woman can't handle things like that?" Every word that came off her tongue burned like acid. She hated fighting with him and she knew that her arguments were getting increasingly invalid.

"Of course I don't think that. I know women are capable, have you even seen who I work with?" He moved his hands from their position on his hips to throw them into the air. "And I do think you can take care of yourself, but you shouldn't have to. I can keep you safe." His voice had calmed down ever so slightly, and the veins that had been sticking out of his forehead were beginning to go back to their normal positions.

"I can keep myself safe." Her voice was a mere whisper. A vast difference from the raging volume it had been only moments ago. "You're my guy, not my bodyguard."

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