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A/N I'm going to switch over to First Person POV just because I personally prefer writing that way. If it gets a lot of negative feedback then I can always switch back! As always thanks for reading and enjoy!


Novie's POV:
"You need to leave Gotham. Now." Victor was staring me down like he could actually tell me what to do. Apparently, Fish Mooney has made a reappearance and there was some gang war going on.

"Victor, I'm not leaving. I like Gotham and I'll be just fine. Besides, Uncle Jim has already made the same request and if he didn't get anywhere I highly doubt you'll make much progress." I placed a hand on my hip and returned his angry glare. Victor tended to let his temper show when he was agitated, and this whole gang thing must be taking it's toll.

"If anyone found out about you, especially at a time like this-"

"I know Vic. We've had this conversation a dozen times in the last week," I said cutting him off. His attitude was far different from the usual confident and cocky man that he typically was. I knew he could get tense, but not like this. "Look, if it helps I'll stay in the apartment until this cools down. Jim calls every time he gets a free moment and he'll tell you if something happens. Now, please go do your job and let me have a moment of peace. The GCPD told all of it's interns to not come in due to the high risk-whatever I didn't really listen- so I get to relax."

I pushed him towards the door, knowing that he wouldn't leave unless I made him. The fact that he would be out in the dangerous streets was not something I particularly liked, but it was his job. He has to do his job.

"Before you throw me to the savages do I at least get a kiss for luck?" He turned towards me with a slight pout which earned him a soft push. The laugh that came from him was a noise that I could listen to all day and not get annoyed with. But I wouldn't tell him that.

"Oh shut it you idiot. You sound like a hyena."

"I may be an idiot, and I may sound like a hyena. But don't forget...I'm your idiotic hyena." The fact that he could go from worried and tense to jokes and laughs so fast, was truly astonishing.

"Please don't remind me," I said as he pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss to my forehead. Just as he released me from the hug though, I pulled him back to me for a real kiss. His lips on mine, the taste of mint and bakery items, that he'd no doubt been eating on all day, greeted me. I didn't want to let him go. I didn't want to send him out into the streets of Gotham, but he was Victor Zsasz, and if he could do one thing it was stay alive.

"Don't die, okay?" I whispered when we'd disconnected. A short, breathy laugh was my only response before he left down the hallway.


The television was depicting all of the works of Gotham as I sat on my couch and indulged in a jar of peanut butter. As I lifted another spoonful to my mouth I noticed something that made my blood run cold. A shootout at a hospital involving Jim Gordon. Of course my idiot of an uncle would find himself in the middle of a gang war. The fact that he could even get into some of the positions that he did was a wonder.

I knew he wouldn't stand for Maroni controlling Gotham, but this was extreme. Nobody wanted the hothead running the underground, but nobody was stupid enough to try and prevent it, unless of course your name happened to be James Gordon.

Just as I began contemplating all the ways in which my uncle dearest was the most idiotic being to ever be, he called my phone.

"Hello stupid. Did you know they're talking about your idiocy on live TV?" I asked the man on the other end of the phone.

"Real funny Novie. Look, I'm driving and wanted to check in because apparently I'm being an idiot according to you." His gruff voice said sounding rather unamused.

"Well can't argue with that logic. Please do explain your current situation."

"I'm driving an ambulance that contains three of Gotham's worst mobsters and Harvey."

"Tell Uncle Harv I say hey. Also, is Vic there?" I asked wondering if my mobster was one of the three.

"No, it's Cobblepot, Gilzean, and Falcone." I let out a disappointed breath that resulted in a piece of my purple hair going wonky. "I wish you'd left Gotham when I told you to, this place isn't safe especially if he's not with you."

The way he referred to Victor like he actually trusted him enough to keep me safe made me feel oddly giddy, but the fact that he thought I needed protecting in the first place pissed me off. I made the mature decision to just ignore him and end the conversation.

"Okay well now you know I'm alive and I know you're alive I'm going to go. Just stay safe," I said into the receiver, which got me an awkward grumble before I heard the other line turn off.

With the call over and being effectively psyched out, I flipped off the T.V and took one last bite from the jar of peanut butter. The desire to stay up and wait for news about the two people I cared about most in Gotham was beaten by the desire to sleep, and so I fell into a dreamless sleep on the living room couch.


"Gotham fell apart." I heard Victor's voice say as it pulled me from my sleep. It was still dark out so I wasn't entirely sure what was going on.

"Wha- Victor how'd you get in here?" I asked. The door was locked last night because this was a dangerous city and I wasn't a fool.

"Your lock is easy to pick. That's not the point. Falcons just called and said he retired. How do you go through a gang war, win, and then just retire. That's not even the half of it either. Fish Mooney killed Maroni and the Penguin killed Fish, meaning that bird is now in charge of Gotham. Gotham fell apart." I barely registered the plethora of information that he just threw at me as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. For some reason I was still stuck on him picking my lock.

"You broke into my house. Is that your way of saying you want a key?" I motioned for him to sit beside me and moved the blanket over a bit. After he'd sat down I used his shoulder as a pillow.

"Is that all you got out of that? Did you not hear about how-"

"Gotham fell apart? Yeah you mentioned that, but I just woke up so give me a minute." I put a finger to his lips so he'd stop talking and I could get a few words in. "Did you get hurt last night?"

""That's what you're worried about?" He sounded absolutely confused as to why I'd be worried over him.

"Um yes. You're my guy and I'd rather you not bleed out and die." I said matter-of-factly. The response was merely a confused chuckle and a shake of his head as he denied any injuries, despite one or two new tally marks.

The rest of that morning we spent talking with each other. Our topics ranged from weird things at my work -mainly Ed's fascination with Kristen- to what we thought would happen with Penguin being in charge. I was utterly confused on how the whole ordeal would play out, and if it didn't involve Vic, I wouldn't care. However it did, so I gave an honest effort to actually remember all of this and contribute to these parts of the discussion.

"So, If Penguin is going to take over..." I paused in order to search for my next words, "does that mean that you work for him now? How does that all work?" I asked. Something had finally piqued my interest, and I needed answers.

"Well, If he requires my skill set, and he will, then yes. As for how it will work, there'll probably be some ceremony or something where we pledge our loyalty. I really don't care. I go in do whatever and then I do my job. I guess after you and I could go eat somewhere, I mean that's what you do when things change at work, isn't it?" He asked as if this was merely a work change, but I guess to him is was. Whilst everyone around us debated the future of Gotham, he seemed resigned to everything. His initial what the hell had changed into I couldn't care less. For some reason, the fact that he could switch gears so quickly wasn't alarming, but oddly reaffirming. It was like at that moment I knew, even if the whole world was burning around us, I'd be okay, as long as I was with him.

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