fifty four

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Novella stared at the note that lay in her hands. Signed with a red lipstick stain and a splash of paint, so painstakingly Potter that she laughed a little bit. She knew that her friend posed no great threat to her or her baby, but she was dating Jeremiah Valeska, the brother of the man who had tried to kill her and her baby. Not to mention the fact that Victor now had a spot on his arm picked out for where Jerome Valeska's tally mark would be. She hated to admit that it turned her on just a little bit.

And despite all that, Novella still wanted to go and see her best friend and properly meet her boyfriend. She would've invited Victor, but he had a job to do that night and it was too late for him to cancel. So instead, she reread the note and decided to do as it said and arrive dressed for a casual dinner. Or in Potter language - to show up with or without pants.

Novella pulled on a pair of black jeans and a soft off-white shirt along with a knitted brown sweater. Gotham nights tended to get rather cold and being an expectant mother she didn't plan to take any chances. She pulled her long, lilac hair into a messy top-knot and slipped on a pair of bedroom shoes that could pass for actual shoes before grabbing her satchel and heading out the door.

Charles gave her a smile as she walked into his lobby and gave her a nod, telling her that he had already hailed a cab for her. How he knew things before she told him would always puzzle the girl to no end, but she only accepted the kindness with a smile.

As she hopped in the cab, she clicked through her text messages with Potter to find the address of their dinner. To her shock, it was in the middle of the woods, seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

The ride took less time than expected, during which she pondered baby names and rubbed the growing baby bump that she had started to notice. The due date seemed like forever away to her, but in reality, was only six months away. Victor had already started clearing out the spare bedroom to use as a nursery and was pestering Novella to pick out paint colors. She had told him to wait until they at least knew the gender. She was going for that appointment in a couple of weeks.

The cab pulled up to a small metal box that had Novella squinting her eyes. Against her better judgment, she hopped out of the cab and paid the man telling him to wait until she went inside before leaving. This being Gotham, the man didn't listen and immediately drove off without giving Novella her change. She gave out a little huff in annoyance before turning to the problem at hand.

Her eyes scanned the box before landing on what appeared to be a camera and a microphone. She peered directly into the camera and gave it a large smile.

"Hey Potty-mouth it's Novie," she said into the microphone. No reply came so she went on, "you know Novella Gordon, daughter of Gotham's golden boy and your pregnant best friend. Not that I'm playing the baby card, but I-"

"You're so playing the baby card," a voice came from over the speaker, obviously belonging to her blue-eyed best friend. "Ecco will be there in a minute to let you in, I'm dealing with my handsome boy's identity crisis at the moment. He's been breaking down since that thing with Jerome and we've already been to see him and my sister. Anyways, we'll talk more in a minute."

The intercom gave off some static for a moment along with a couple of swears from Potter before clicking off completely. Novella looked around the woods for a moment before leaning against the metal box and staring at the door. The cool breeze wrapped around her and reminded her of the woods outside her Georgia home. The one good thing about her life there, the peace she found in those beautifully calm woods. Despite Gotham being horrible, she found that peace in these woods.

To her complete annoyance, that peace was interrupted by a blonde with an odd look on her face. She didn't say anything to Novella as she motioned with her eyes for her to follow. Behind the woman, whom Novella could only assume was Ecco, there appeared to be a maze of sorts.

No One Can Know || Victor Zsaszजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें