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Every damn time this city went to hell the GCPD was ground zero. There have been countless attacks on this station that was currently covered in blood. After the Maniax made their debut it was only a matter of time until they attacked the police department.

Kristen was beside me holding onto Ed Nygma who had heroically saved her from a bullet, taking it himself. She seemed to be seeing him in a new light almost, possibly even in a light that could lead to more.

Uncle Jim, ever the idiot, had dashed out to chase after Stabby Babs and got himself beat up. Thankfully he did make it back to the station after the ginger psychopath left. I hadn't seen much of the attack due to the fact that I had been in the records annex at the time and had stayed put for once. When I did come out though, the whole place was covered in blood and Commissioner Essen was dead.

The rest was a blur. Between the remaining officers taking statements, and Jim ensuring that Lee and I were safe, I didn't remember much. I was told to take a few days, only being an intern, while everything was sorted. I couldn't say I disliked the news, but I felt I should help. When voicing that I wished to stay, Uncle Jim all but forced me out the door and into a cab. I was home in the next fifteen minutes. Little did I know that a certain assassin was there waiting for me. And was extremely worried.


"What the actual hell Zsaszels?" I asked the dark clothed man in my apartment. Once I'd opened the door I was greeted by the expressionless face of my boyfriend. "I swear if you picked my lock again-"

I was cut off by his mouth. On mine. He kissed me like it was the last time he'd ever see me, or like he was really only seeing me for the first time.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" I smiled up at him after we'd parted, but he only looked at me with this awkward expression,

"You were at the GCPD today?" He asked and suddenly I knew what this was all about.

"Yeah, but I'm totally fine. See not even a scratch," I say holding up my arms for him to investigate.

"You could have died. I don't want you to die."

"Well, I don't want to die either, so we're on the same page. Also I'd rather you stay alive, I mean you can be annoying but I like having you around." I fake punched his arm but he only gave me an incredulous look.

"Why aren't you taking this more seriously? I could have lost you." He gently grabbed my arms and had this wild look in his eyes that made me subside with the jokes.

"Look Novie, I've never cared about anyone else before, okay? So you're not allowed to die. I'd tear Gotham apart if someone even thought about hurting you." The pure raw emotion was something Victor didn't show very often. He was always cold and distant, he always had s mask that hid everything, but it was like this was in the moment emotion. He couldn't hide it even if he tried, some would say it's a form of primal instinct. The instinct to protect.

"And if someone were to somehow harm you, I don't think I could stop with just Gotham," I whispered and pulled him closer, "The whole world would pay." His hands found their way from my arms into my hair and mine wrapped around his waist. The kiss that followed was sweet and gentle, but developed into the kind of rough that could only stem from deep passion.

We didn't let it get too far, and ended up stopping the make out session to watch an old action movie. My hair was frizzy and he had some of my lipgloss smudged around his mouth, but other than that we were completely in order.

Popcorn and drinks found their way from the kitchen and into our laps about halfway through the movie, and I fell asleep on Victor's shoulder about three quarters of the way in. I didn't think he minded though, seeing as this always happened.

For some reason I still hadn't given back the ring and he hadn't asked. I knew he'd obviously seen it because I'd caught him staring at it periodically with a small smirk, but he still hadn't asked for it back and I wouldn't return it without prompting.


"Oh my gosh you're going on a date with Ed?" The excitement in my voice was quickly becoming too much for Kristen. She gave me an impatient look, causing me to calm down.

"Yes I am. He walked in here to give a statement and took control, almost demanding I have dinner with him. I know it's weird but that paired with saving me from a bullet...I just, ugh I don't know. I'm excited is all," she said almost in frustration. I knew that at some point she'd end up with Ed, they were inevitable and she needed a good guy in her life.

"I know what you mean Kringle. Sometimes you just need an assertive guy, but not the kind that is bad assertive. You want someone who knows what they want, asks for it, but is kind. You want Ed." I let out a small sigh at the thought of wha I'd just described. My mind instantly flew to Victor. The way he'd tell me what he wanted, but if I refused he'd stop. An absolute perfect gentleman with a bit of an edge.

"You sound like you're speaking from experience. Could it be this guy that you won't tell me about? The one who's awkward looking ring you took?" I snapped out of my thoughts and immediately hid the hand, but it was too late.

"Look, I really can't tell you who he is, but yes. Yes I am speaking from experience about a perfect guy. They do exist, but sometimes they're hidden under a few layers of what you wouldn't think the perfect guy would be." I looked down with a blush at the thought of how Victor and I had met. Maybe it was more than a few layers of 'not for me'.

"Just as long as you're happy Nove. Now back to work!" She shooed me away with the folder in her hand and I resumed my sorting. The conversation on guys was refreshing, no one in my family had ever been able to help me like that. It was nice to talk about guys and not automatically be told everything that was wrong with them.


Okay so this is an awkward chapter but I really needed to get an update out. I know I'm kind of being vague about Novie's family but you'll see when they come in to play! By y'all!

No One Can Know || Victor ZsaszOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant