Step One Once Again

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Instead of a lottery, we decided to each pick one activity that we wanted to try and one dish that we wanted to eat. That was how we planned our Jeju trip. I was set on hiking Hallasan and I really wanted to try black pork BBQ. Jimin chose the Manjanggul Cave because Taehyung had been to that museum before with Park Bogum. Yoongi wanted to see Cheonjeyeon Waterfall and eat the grilled mackerel. Since Jimin didn't pick the type of food he wanted as a lot of Jeju's famous food was related to seafood, he let Taehyung make another choice. Taehyung chose pheasant with buckwheat noodles along with his peanut ice cream and to follow his peanut ice cream, he needed to visit Udo Island. Jungkook wanted to see Hallim Park and try the sea urchin ramen. Finally, we all selected a seventh dish and a location that we thought Jin would like: raw fish and Hamdeok Beach.

Rock, paper, scissors determined whose destination would be chosen first. Jimin won the first round, so we were headed to where Manjanggul Cave was and that would be on the Eastern side of Jeju Island. I booked our hotel at the center of Jeju City and we had a car, so things were going to be fine, except none of them trusted me to drive the car to our Air BnB. I already passed the license a few years ago and even had my own car. This was one of those rare moments where all of them were in agreement: "No! You are not driving!"

Hoseok stole the keys from my hand and passed them off to whomever that was closest to him and that happened to be Jimin. I eyed Jimin and extended my hand to grab the keys from him. Jimin ignored me while marching to the side of the driver's seat.

"I'd rather drive than die in your hands," he grumbled before unlocking, opening, and slamming the van's door.

Jungkook jabbed me playfully in the ribs, teasing, "How many times did you take that driving exam?"

"You!" I chased after Jungkook who quickly slipped into the van and took a seat in the back.

I also sat in the back as I didn't think Jimin would want me beside him. Taehyung was the one that sat in the passenger's seat, whereas Hoseok and Yoongi took the middle seats. Taehyung turned on the radio and there were a few current Kpop songs being played. Though Taehyung and Hoseok happily singing along and Jungkook was quietly humming too, the rest of us weren't so enthusiastic with their karaoke. Jimin ended up changing the station to another one that started to play the chorus of one of our songs, "Blood, Sweat & Tears".

"J-HOOPPPEEEE!" Yoongi began to shriek.

"Honestly, that was when Hoseok was the coolest," Taehyung commented.

"Yeah. That was definitely his era," Jungkook agreed. "That intro dance was really something and you were hiding your abs!"

"They just grew," Hoseok muttered. "What can I say?"

"Yeah right," Yoongi chimed. "You were the one that was only eating chicken breast for a good two months or so."

"Hey. Hey," Hoseok corrected. "You can't just talk about my diet. Ji . . . There were others that dieted more than me."

I noticed Jimin glance at Hoseok through the rear mirror and Jimin's face seemed a bit green. I was going to say something, but Taehyung uttered first, "Isn't it great that we don't have to diet anymore? I'm just taming my bear belly."

"Taming?" I muttered. "Bear belly? You mean beer belly?"

"And you never dieted after our debut!" Jungkook reminded him. "You always had the roundest tummy and when all of us lost weight, you gained 1 kg."

"As long as I eat deliciously," Taehyung cheered, "I will not gain a pound. Plus I didn't gain so much like someone here . . . that we made t-shirts out of that person."

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