The Golden Child

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Every day I would drop by Jimin's place and bring him some breakfast. At first, he wouldn't eat what I brought and Taehyung would apologize for him. After a few weeks passed by, Jimin eventually threw a tantrum and tossed the bowl of soup I brought for him all over the floor. My pants smelled like seaweed and it looked like I had peed myself. However, I still kept my grin and cleared up the mess while Jimin kept yelling at me to get out.

"You're the one that wanted BTS to disband!" he screamed before locking himself in his room. "You traitor!"

As Taehyung chased after Jimin, I was suddenly reminded of what Jimin had said years ago.

"For now? How long will that be then?" Jimin interrogated.

"I don't know," I said in a flat tone.

"What? You don't know and you're suggesting something like this?" Jimin bellowed. This was probably the first time I had heard of Jimin raise his voice at me like that. He rarely acted out. He was always so well-behaved and well-mannered. "This is bullshit!" Jimin finally professed and bolted out from the dormitory. "Y-You're all too selfish! I can't believe this!"

"Jimin-ah! Jimin!" Taehyung scrambled after Jimin and left to find him.

True. I had suggested that because I thought that would have better for all of us in the long run. I was wrong probably. I was thinking only from my own perspective, but someone had to have made a decision. We were clinging onto a safety blanket back then and in time, we wouldn't be able to grow up.

Just as I wondered whether we had really matured, I saw a text from Hoseok, informing me that Jungkook had come back from the States. Hoseok said they were going to have lunch for today and asked if I wanted to join.

That was how I ended up meeting Jungkook again, through Hoseok. Hoseok was always the one that linked the hyung line with the maknae line. He could pass messages along when we fought. The younger ones always seemed far more comfortable talking to Hoseok compared to with Yoongi or me. I always felt like Jungkook and I still had a barrier. We were close professionally, but not personally. Although we also understood one another's working and living habits, we wouldn't hang out with one another during our spare time. Jungkook preferred tagging behind Jimin or Taehyung. He liked teasing Jin and he preferred to consult with Yoongi for advice. I was only his go-to when he had issues composing songs or completing other projects. I'd often nag him to stay focused; despite his natural talent for many artistic ventures, he could hardly keep his focus. He liked to dab into a wide range of areas, but he could never settle down and become a master of one of them.

When I first saw Jungkook walking into the Italian restaurant, I was surprised at how handsome he had become. He was already very good looking, yet after a few years, he was maturing like fine wine. I was jealous of his good genes. Instead of the hoop earrings he often wore, he chose to put on a pair of simple silver studs. He was no longer dressed in his usual black or white hoodie, skinny jeans, and a pair of Timbalands. Though he still kept his style casual, he was still dressed more formally than before. His sneakers were made of black leather and instead of a hoodie, he wore a long light grey coat made of wool paired with a simple black turtleneck. Instead of his fingers being covered in accessories, he only chose to wear a silver Rolex watch. Even his hair was black. He really did mature on the exterior and looked more mature than me at the age of 26.

When Jungkook took a seat in front of me and beside Hoseok, I asked, "How have you been doing?"

"Not bad," he said while setting the white cloth on his lap. "I finished my film studies and am going to work with some film production crews to make MVs etc."

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