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No matter how much I wanted to visit Jimin, Taehyung told me that Jimin wasn't ready to talk to others yet. I went back home to sort out my own feelings after visiting the sea. I scrambled all over my room to find the letter that I tucked carefully in a box. The letter was slightly folded even though I had tried my best to keep it as clean as possible. I took a deep breath before ripping open the envelope.

On a blank piece of paper, I saw Jin's scribbles.

Dear Joon,

Are you living your dream now? You better be. I'm watching you! I'll haunt you if you don't! Ha!

I kept my promise right? Ten years later, I checked in again and I'm living the high life in a place you'd never find me!

Seriously though . . . I hope you're doing well. Even though it'd be nice if you still remember me, I hope you'll slowly forget about me. You can't be fixated about the past, you know? But I know you like to think a lot. Your mind is always spinning with these philosophical thoughts. I seriously have a love-hate relationship with them. They make me want to punch you in the face, but . . . I'd never be able to do that.

Hey Namjoon . . . it's a bit hard writing this because I'm thinking about what you'd be like ten years down the road. I imagine that you're being all sophisticated and drinking some coffee. You're probably a famous rapper or song writer? Or both?

Whatever happens, I hope you're happy. I can't guarantee that you won't be sad or that you won't face problems in the future, but at least we can hope . . . for better days. I'm there rooting for you as always! I've got your back. Don't worry about it.

Don't worry about me either. I'll be fine and don't bother looking for me. I'm too fabulous and handsome for you anyway. Mr. Worldwide Handsome here.

Hey Namjoon . . .

By this time I should be a memory to you. I'd hate myself for hurting you and making you feel upset, so forget about me. Just treat me like that annoying delinquent who you had to tutor.

If possible, I hope someone will be by your side. I was honestly hoping that that person would eventually be Choa, but . . . you know how things unfortunately turned out.

Regardless, promise me that you'll open your heart again. You can consider this my last dying wish. Okay . . . Joon?

There'll be someone for you. Trust me. You just haven't met the person yet.

Yours truly,

Kim Seokjin

I thought I wouldn't cry again, but I did. Was he going to trick me for all my life that he was still alive? Did he think that'd actually make me feel better? Why'd he have to play a martyr, I thought to myself while hugging my knees. I was sitting on the ground while reading this letter and I couldn't stand up anymore. It was as if my soul had left me.

How could Jin just be a memory to me? Sure he had been very annoying, but . . . we had been training together to be in BTS for a long time. We debuted alongside one another. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have turned into a rapper. He made me realize the purpose to my life. How could I forget someone like that? Why did he choose to end things this way? Why? Just . . .why?

I wanted some answers, so I started hunting for them. There had to be someone who knew why he didn't want me to know about his illness. Suddenly, I recalled that look in Hoseok's eyes. When he saw me, I felt a sense of animosity mixed with his grief. It was if he . . . was blaming everything on me. I knew he must have known something, so I decided to have a one-on-one meeting with him.

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