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The holidays were getting close, meaning that everyone who had loved ones would gather around. The holidays, for us, on the other hand, was more like overtime. We barely had time to see friends or family and for some reason, whenever it was around a holiday, Jin would be particularly stuck on me. He'd follow me around like a baby duck finding its mother. I couldn't even have a cup of coffee while reading a novel without Jin staring at me. He didn't even hide his ogling.

"You're crazy," I told him while glaring at him from the corner of my book. I was rereading the same paragraph over and over again for the last ten minutes because I couldn't process anything with someone gawking at me like a severe stalker. "Stop staring," I demanded.

"I'm just thinking," he explained.

"Thinking about?"

"How boring you actually are."

"What?" I slammed my book too hard that it almost fell off the table. I shouted so loudly that people turned their attention towards me. As I lowered my voice and sat back down in my seat, I murmured, "Well . . . it's not like my hobbies would ever appeal to you."

"No but seriously . . . all you do is read, walk around in a park, write some hipster shit in your notebook, work in your studio, eat, and sleep," he listed with his fingers, "and work some more."

Cocking my head to the side and crossing my leg over the other, I murmured and reached for my book once more, "It's not like we have any other time to do anything else."

"Even if you did . . . what else would you do?" he pondered. "You're like the only one without a driver's license and you're too chicken to go travel abroad by yourself."

"Hey!" I snapped and let the book drop on the table once more. This time, it'd stay shut.

"But . . . honestly . . . haven't you ever thought about a bucket list?" Jin inquired.

"Not so much," I answered. "Maybe . . . perform at the biggest stage in the States?"

"Non-work related."

I scratched my chin and told him, "Mmm . . . I guess . . . if I could I'd like to travel and learn about different cultures."

"But you're always so picky with food. You hardly like to try out local food," he protested.

"That's also because I don't want to potentially feel sick while we're on the road, so I just pick the safer choice."

"Any place in particular you'd like to see?"

"Egypt? Himalayas? Amazon Forest? Turkey?" I blurted all the names of the countries I could think of at the time. "You?"

Placing his cheek on his palm, he remarked, "Mmm . . . going to a foreign country, hopping on a train, and getting off at some random station . . ."

I jeered, "Seems chaotic, stupid, and dangerous."

"But exciting!" He clapped his hands once, welcoming me with a grandiose smile. "Let's do that sometime in Korea!"

"Yeah . . . no," I refused. "I'd like to not get lost in my life. Bon Voyage 1 was chaotic enough."

"You're really no fun." Jin slumped in his chair and rested his chin on the surface of the table like a worn out, old hound dog.

"If you're just going to be a drag, then leave me be," I reached for my novel once more while speaking. "I'd like to finish this book."

Just as I was about to flip to the next page, Jin stated, "Hey . . . Joon."

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